Fireworks, part two?

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Athena's pov

hi my loves. havent don't a AN in a while. I love u all. GUYS THIS BITCH GETS GOOD FOR YEAR 6. promise.

you are all gonna hate athena at one point. i promise u it all relates. i love u all.

not to mention i have been writing this for 6 months and my writing has grown so much. 6-7 year is gonna be sad, happy, angry, everyrhing. prepare lovies.

BRUH IM EDITING TBIS FOR THE LAST TIME AND MY WRITING GETS SO MUCH BEYTER NOW I SWEAR. it's such a sin, really, when i'm reading the first years 💀 who let me

OWLs was easy. Really easy. I was on the Potions portion, Umbridge sat right in front of me. My quill, or her quill she gave me, was driving words into my skin.

If I hadn't been determining my intelligence and maybe future job, I would've already stabbed her eyes out with the quill.

The room started to rumble under my feet, and the other hall filled with people looked around confused.

I knew what was happening, I helped set it up.

Last night the twins asked me if I wanted to help them get into the hall, a prank to end off the year and Hogwarts career they have led.

Umbridge got out of her throne like chair, stomping over to the door. When she opened the large entrance doors, and peaked out, some weird little glow fizz blew in her face.

I conjured that, it detects people who have used any kind of harm against a student, aka only really her.

The new headmaster huffed, staring at the fizz.

Just then, the twins flew in on their brooms, throwing fireworks everywhere.

They threw me my broom, and I immediately hopped on it. I rode around the room, grabbing fireworks from my pocket and throwing them into the air.

The hall turned into an arrangement of colors, brightness spread before all of our eyes. When the twins met each other above everyone, they looked to me for the final firework.

I designed that as well, and my eyes gleamed as I threw it in the air.

I became even prouder when it did exactly what I wanted it to, chasing after Umbridge. She ran and ran until she was completely out of the hall, and the dragon chomped down on her. She fell, huffing as all of us rushed out.

I zoomed to the ground, getting off of my broom and letting the twins finish out the prank.

We cheered the Weasley's initials, all starting to whoop and holler as the large W took on the sky.

My vision went blank, out of no where. My head started to pound, the magic surfaced at my fingertips.

What the fuck is happening?

I saw Harry fall, and soon I was on the ground, being grabbed at by Hermione.

My vision went completely black and words filled my head.

"The prophecy...."

"Sirius Black..."

Sirius took the screen in my vision, he was laying there, and then I heard my fathers voice boom.


My vision got back, my head clearing.

Oh my god.

Harry stared at me, his eyes telling the story.

"We have to get to the ministry," I shouted among the cheers of my classmates.

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