First year - #3 experience

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hi baes!!

3rd person pov

Athena was sitting at the Slytherin table, minding her business while Onyx was going on and on about Transfiguration class.

The table was filled with Halloween treats, and Theo and Enzo were trying to stick the candied apples in Draco's hair.

Athena was laughing, "Maybe if you get it stuck in his hair, he'll have to wash out the bleach."

Draco scowled, "I hope you choke on that chocolate frog."

Athena smiled, "Your so kind to me."

"Every day, any day," Draco responded. Athena rolled her eyes in response to his sarcasm.

Blaise was enamored with Onyx, as she was telling the table about how she couldn't get her head around it. Are the cups they are drinking from transfigured rats?

Onyx was passionate about it, but it only left the table in laughter.

Athena went to reply, "I think we would know if the cups were ra—,"

"TROLL!! IN THE DUNGEONS!! I thought you ought to know-," Professor Quirrel ran in, and after he positively frightened the students, he collapsed mid run.

Students broke out into screams, rushing from their tables to leave the Great Hall.

Dumbledore screamed, "SILENCE!"

Students paused, all looking back at him mid-fright. After a great deal of persuasion, the Prefects were ordered to bring each house back to their common rooms.

Athena and Onyx stared at each other, knowing Hermione had gone to the bathrooms in the abandoned corridor.

Athena's eyes nearly popped out of her head when they realized she didn't know that the troll was in the school, "We need to go warn her!"

Blaise and Onyx nodded, him trying to protect Onyx while they ran away from their house. They ran down the corridors, finally halting when they ran into Ron and Harry, who were hiding behind a pillar.

"What are you guys doing here?" Ron asked.

Onyx rolled her eyes, "She's our friend too, obviously we need to make sure she is alright."

Harry just stared at them both, then turning to Blaise. A certain understanding was evident in his bright green eyes.

The floors quaked under them, and then thudding footsteps approached. The giant troll entered their line of vision, and then went into the abandoned bathrooms - where Hermione was.

The group raced into the bathrooms, finding Hermione huddled near a sink. They went to go forward, but the Troll crashed it's large stick into one of the adjacent sinks.

Hermione screamed, going under another sink. Athena went to curse the troll, but it's stick went towards her full speed.

Her hands darted out, trying to stop it, but she only ended up on top of the wooden stick. Athena was flying through the air before she knew it.

She landed on the trolls shoulders, grunting when he started to move violently. Onyx and Blaise were staring at her, trying to figure out what to do.

For now, the troll was concerned with her and her only. She was flailing, trying to hold onto the troll for dear life.

Harry went to help, but Ron also tried firing a disarming spell. The two's spells clashed mid air and rebounded to Harry, his wand flying and sticking up into the Troll's nose.

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