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It was almost November 15, and Athena wasn't ok. Theo got more aggressive with her, and Onyx might suspect something was up, somehow.

Athena was at breakfast, under the glamour charms were marks of last night. Theo would get drunk, get aggressive, and end up using her body while she was immobilized.

It didn't hurt anymore, mentally. But, only because Athena convinced herself that Theo did it out of love.

It was like everything became somewhat normal, her life at home and Hogwarts and with Theo.

So here she sat, sitting at the Slytherin table while her boyfriend had his hand on her thighs, squeezing her twice when he thought her plate was too full or she was eating too much.

That also became a thing, Athena's eating habits. Theo would remind her of it every day, and how she can't get overweight.

Her body became thin, she didn't lose much of the figure she had, but her wrists, arms, and her face got skinny.

Eye bags were present under her eyes, and her left wrist was covered in marks because of the detentions she got continuously with Umbridge.

Onyx poked at Athena, drawing her from the trance she was in.

"Athena, love, what is that?" Onyx moved Athena's hair, revealing a large bruise covering half her neck. Shit.

She forgot a charm on her neck, fuck, how could she be so fucking stupid.

Theo squeezed her thigh, not letting go once. Athena didn't know what to say, and came up with something on the spot.

"Uh—in the library yesterday, Ron knocked into me and the book I was putting up fell on me. I promise you, nothings happening," The lie was quick, too quick.

Onyx looked almost nervous to accept it, but when her face relaxed, so did Athena. Athena would get in trouble for it later though, she knew she would. Theo would reason his outburst by her behavior, yet again.

When she would look at herself in the mirror, some days she would smile. Because of the decrease in eating Theo had her doing, some of her insecurities had ceased.

Her waist had thinned out, but she hated staring at it because she had only thinned due to the starvation she encountered during her summer in the cellars.

Her back end grew quite a bit, and her thighs looked better then they did last year.

She likes her face, even if it thinned due to the things she experienced. She had some days where she absolutely hated herself, though, when she would remember why she looked as she did.

She felt her shoulders shake, and everyone was getting up from the tables for classes. Athena zoned out, yet again.

Theo was grabbing her arm and dragging her out of the great hall, making her snap back to reality.

They passed through the main hall, looking at Filch - who put up yet another rule on the rule wall.

Everyone stopped and watched, as this one said no contact with the other gender.

Athena was pulled away from Theo by Umbridge, and for once, was happy about a rule.

He couldn't hurt her in public, or even go near her. This had to be the best day of her life.


Over the next couple of weeks Umbridge made more and more rules, making it almost impossible to be a student at Hogwarts.

Athena was walking down the halls when she saw a huge crowd of kids turn towards the courtyard, and she joined the front of the crowd.

She turned to Onyx who was standing with Blaise and Enzo, "What's this about?"

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