3rd year - 2 experience

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hi baes. hope this is entertaining u enough, we are getting close to the last couple chapters of background and innocence hehehehehehe 😈😈
anyway love y'all.

also keep it mind i moved the ages up a year. so third year they are 14 instead of 13. tried to make it less traumatizing for our poor girl athena.

The first Hogmaede experience was nothing short of amazing, the slytherin group visited all of the shops and food stores there was and had the best time.

Enzo somehow charmed his way to getting the clerk at the alchohol store to give him a couple drinks and firewhiskeys to keep in his dorm.

That night the group had their first drinking party, they played truth or dare but if u refused, you had to drink. Within minutes most of them were tipsy, all lightweights.

Athena and Theo had to do seven minutes in heaven, and later that night they officially announced their relationship.


With the fat lady incident and Sirius Black inside the premices, everyone was on edge.

That night in the Great Hall, after the Slytherin group learned Sirius Black may be after Athena, they surrounded their conjured mattresses around hers.

She slept in the middle of a circle as the five surrounded her, almost protecting her from her fears.

Now, sitting next to Draco in Defense against the Dark Arts, they waited for Lupins arrival and immediately got into a education mindset when Snape strutted down the pathway of desks while shutting the blinds.

"Turn to page 394." Snape drawled on his words as Potter asked, "Where's Professor Lupin?"

"That's not really your concern is it, Potter? Your professor is incapable of teaching at the moment. Turn to page 394, now."

The pages of Athena's book were turned for her, and the title of the lesson was 'Werewolves and the affects'.

Athena knew plenty about werewolves, as she did research on them during the summer to try and find out the best way to defend herself against Fenrir.

"But sir, we just started to learn about Pixies and their tendencies?" Hermione turned to face Snape with confusion.

Ron and Harry turned around, completely appalled at her appearance, they had no idea she was even in the class until she spoke up.

"Did you see her come in?"

"No, did you?"

"Not at all!"

The two whispered back and forth until Snape started to speak again.

"Can anyone tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf, not you Granger." Snape's voice boomed through the room.

Athena rose her hand, perfectly knowing of everything in the werewolf subject as she did research to make it less noticeable in her first transform.

"Go on, Riddle."

"An animagus can turn whenever and wherever, under their own control, a werewolf turns every full moon whether they like it or not, they have no control over their transformation and most times it's rather unbearable pain. The werewolf can only respond to the call of its own kind," Before she continued on with her rant, Theo beside her howled, in a rather attractive way too.

"That is the reason why we raise our hands, Mr. Nott. Since your incessant need to make this class laugh at your stupidity, a two page prompt on werewolves will be permitted to be turned in on this desk in two days." The class groaned at the assignment as Theo chuckled in his seat. Athena threw him a glare as they started to take more notes of werewolves.

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