Deja Vu

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hi lovers. i am warning you now, physical abuse and verbal abuse, manipulation as well. beware my buddies.

Theo walked behind Athena, making sure she was fully inside his dorm before turning around and locking the door.

Athena's pov -

I turned around and saw Theo locking the door, and confusion filled my body even more when I saw him mutter a silencing spell.

"What's wrong?" I asked, not sure why he was so secretive.

"You have been ignoring me and being a bitch lately, I mean the carriage incident? Really? I called a freak a weird name and you freak out on me! What the fuck was that about? Is that any way to treat your boyfriend of two years?" Theo turned to me, and was very slowly making his way towards me.

I got a sense of deja vu, the way Yaxley walked towards me. They had the same structure, and I just noticed that.

"You called one of my friends a fucking name and expect me to sit there and look pretty? Theo, I know I always sit and look pretty but have you ever, ever known me for the type to watch and observe?" I was boiling with anger, taking my chances and stalked towards until we were face to face.

I could feel his anger radiating off him, and I could also see his hands clenched at his sides. I knew he wouldn't do anything, right?

"Back the fuck off, you bitch," Theo hissed through his gritted teeth, making me smirk at his pathetic attempt to make me scared.

"You're forgetting I went through almost two months of torture before you went all hero mode. You don't fucking scare me," I was in his face now, and within seconds I was pinned against the wall.

He was breathing heavily, I could almost smell his breakfast. His fist raised, a sting following on my cheek, and I blacked out for a moment. My vision became clear, and I was on the floor.

My back hurt, like something was hitting it. My vision blacked out again, and when it cleared finally I realized I was on the floor at Theo's feet, and his shiny shoes were digging into my sides.

I was grabbing at the floor, trying to get up and regain my strength, but I couldn't get up under his shoe.

I was pulled up, by the school blouse collar that wrapped around my neck, and this time when I saw Theo's face it was nothing like anything I've recognized.

He looked almost like, it's terrible to say, but his father. His horrible fathers face wrinkles of anger were imprinted onto my boyfriends, but before I could look into the pools of honey that stared at me in anger, I saw his fist plummet into my face.

It hurt, but oddly so not as much as it would've if I didn't go through what I did this summer.

When he slapped me again, my vision went completely black. I heard murmuring in the back, but couldn't make it out. Then sobs were distant, but it was too late.


I woke up to a sound in the corner of my dorm, and when I sat up in the bed the soreness hit me like a brick.

I looked around the room, finding Theo in the corner crying. I looked away, flashing memories of last night entering my mind. I looked down at my exposed body, I was bare?

When did I take my clothes off? What the fuck?

My arms were covered in hand mark bruises, my stomach had foot marks, and my thighs were covered in scratches and bruises everywhere.

I looked at my middle, and there was bruises and blood everywhere. I looked back up to find Theo at the end of my bed, whimpering.

"Where the fuck are my clothes, Theo?"

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