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The nightmare pounded through her head, on and on and on.

Harry and Athena kept stealing glances at each other, worried and confused eyes met one another across the corridors.

The Weasley's had been out for the past two days, and winter break was approaching rapidly.

Three more days, and they would all be off. Onyx, Enzo, and Athena would go to the Order Headquarters.

Draco, Blaise, and Theo would go to their manors.

At Headquarters, they would figure out what to do with Athena. If she needed to be hidden, she would stay hidden.

It would also be three days until they finally see Mr. Weasley, who was badly injured but is on the road to recovery already.


Athena entered the DADA room, prepared to be in a boring room the whole time.

"Now class, I would like you all to start preparing for your OWLS! I mentioned them earlier in the year and they are approaching in May. They are everything to anything, you must be prepared," Athena's hand shot up, ready to ask a question.

Umbridge must've had piss that morning to drink with her tea, because she rolled her eyes and called on her student.

"What exactly should we study for Defense Against the Dark Arts if we couldn't use spells this year?" Athena questioned her teacher, she wanted to get a rise out of her.

If there was any way to get her anger out from Theo, this was it. As well as the DA getting busted today, she might as well ruin her reputation now.

Umbridge chuckled lightly, "You will study from the textbook I gave you, and as I have said it doesn't matter about using spells or not, nothing will attack anyone here!"

"Voldemort maybe?" Athena tilted her head with a smirk.

"Athena! You will quiet down right this moment! As the president of my club you know not to disobey me! And he is not back!"

Athena shot up from her seat, and pulled over her sleeve, revealing the dark mark.

Umbridge went silent, as did the class. A couple gasps echoed in the classroom, and Umbridge was so appalled Athena started to speak, "As I said before, he's back whether you like it or not! This is the proof," Harry clapped quietly, as did some of the Gryffindors and Slytherins.

Umbridge dismissed the class, 'needed some break or something'.

Athena and the Gryffindors, along with some other DA members raced towards the room of requirement to get started on today's training.

One hour into the training and they heard rumbling from outside. They backed up, and when the tiniest hole poked through the walls of the room, they saw Umbridge on the other side.

The words of the spell flew out of her prissy mouth, echoing through the room of requirement as they wall boomed.

Several were thrown back against the walls, and Athena stood her ground against the professor.

Umbridge grabbed Athena and Harry, sending the others back to their commons.

They were dragged to the headmasters office, and Dumbledore was standing there at his desk.

Umbridge started to squeak, "Do you know that these students have been forming a little 'club' against me? It's called DUMBLEDORES ARMY! I know you formed it you little-," Athena stopped her professor right there.

"One, I'm sure it's not the first time someone has ever been against you - so there is no reason for you to be a bitch about it," Harry laughed, as well as Kingsley, and Umbridge gasped and stared at her student.

"And two, it wasn't Dumbledore who started the club, it was Harry and I," Athena said, but Dumbledore raised his hand, shushing his student.

"That's false, Athena you are a brave and humble student to be trying to keep my reputation at a perfect record, but it's time I come clean. It was me, but Umbridge, you'll never stop someone with such a power to do the right thing," His hands went up, winking at them all and the Phoenix blew up with him.

He was gone as soon as the smoke cleared, leaving the crowd of the people shocked. Kingsley spoke up, "Well, you might not like him, but Dumbledore's got style."


Two days later, Umbridge announced herself Head Mistress, leaving all of the kids shocked and confused.

Athena was kicked out of the Inquisitor Squad, leaving Flint as the president.

It was the last day until break, leaving the students in a rush to leave the school.

Athena raced into the common room, her mark burning more then usual.

She rammed into a cold body, flying to the floor and grimacing on the impact.

Draco stared at her, and Athena rolled her eyes, "Here to make me feel shitty about getting assaulted again?"

Draco stuck his hand out with an aggravated sigh, assisting Athena until she was on her feet.

Draco cleared his throat, "I am sorry, by the way. For what I said. I didn't— I didn't realize that was what had happened."

Athena stared at him, detecting real emotion behind his blue eyes. She nodded.

Draco rolled his own eyes, "What do I need to do for you to forgive me? Grovel? Get on my knees and beg?"

Athena smirked at the idea, and before she knew it, Draco was on his knees before her.

what.. the.. fuccckk?

Why is this.. uh.. attractive?

He looked up at her, "I'm so fucking sorry for testing you. For mentioning everything that happened to you. I'm sorry."

Athena was taken back. Draco Malfoy, on his knees, for her, apologizing.

She grabbed his collar and brought him off his knees, "Just— just give me some time. Okay?"

Draco's eyes softened, "Alright."


Athena grabbed her trunk and boarded the train, along with her friends as they were on their way to the station.

When they arrived after a four hour ride, Onyx, Enzo, and Athena, along with Harry and Hermione, grabbed the port key and twisted until they arrived at headquarters.

When they entered the apartment building, they were met with hugs all around.

They entered the dining room and found Arthur Weasley, bloodied and bruised, laying down with some of the weasleys by his side.

"Mr. Weasley," Athena muttered in barely a mustered whisper. "I'm so glad you're alright."

He turned, meeting the group of kids eyes. "My my, it's me who should be glad! You kids saved my life, I am so lucky to have you all in my life. I consider you all children to me, and love you all equally," if he wasn't smiling Athena might've thought the words were sarcastic.

She had never been considered part of a functional family or daughter besides to Narcissa, who had to look out for Draco at the moment.

Two hours later, the group of people staying at the headquarters for the break gathered around the table.

"Now now, everyone sit around. I would like to raise a toast to our new members, who bravely went against their horrible new headmaster and were truly our saving grace. To Harry and Athena," The glasses clinked all around the table was Lupin announced.

They settled in, and Onyx, Athena, and Hermione shared a rather large and creaky bed.

Christmas was approaching, but so was the darkness.

They could all feel it under their skin, reaching through their veins.

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