The Manor

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The wooded paths were zooming past Athena's vision as she raced past the trees. She felt the stampede of footsteps behind her, and her calves burned as the branches scratched her legs, but she kept running.

Hermione was about 10 feet from her, running at a slightly slower pace. Ron was behind them and Harry was about 15 meters ahead.

The snatchers were on their tails,  sending hexes and spells at all of them.

They hopped over logs and branches, racing out of the way of deathly spells. Athena sent a bombardo towards the group behind them, taking out three snatchers.

A snatcher sent a rope at Ron, successfully getting him onto the ground. Athena kept running to find Harry, knowing they couldn't leave him.

They were surrounded.

She turned at the same time as Hermione did, both of them sending spells at Harry's face. He fell back with a thud as memories invaded his and Athena's mind.

"Tell me" Voldemort laid next to Grindelwald.

"Ahhh, I was wondering when you would come and seek me. But surely you must know I no longer have what you seek."

"Tell me Grindelwald, tell me where it is. Tell me who possesses it!"

"The Elder Wand belongs with the inheritor of course, the most powerful witch of this century! It lies within the Headmaster it died with - Dumbledore!"

The trees surrounded Athena's vision as she tried to get to Harry.

"He is only after the wand! It's in Athena's possession! It's alright for now," Harry sputtered out. 

The snatchers swarmed them, grabbing Athena and Hermione. Fenrir's clawed hands wrapped around Athena's waist, making her squirm.

"Your boyfriend would be much more safe if he learned to behave himself!" The lead snatcher said to Hermione as Ron yelled for her to be let go.

"What happened to you, ugly?" The snatcher asked Harry, but both Fenrir and Harry turned towards him, which the snatcher replied, "not you, you."

"What's your name?"

Harry mumbled, "Dudley. Vernon Dudley."

"Check it!"

He walked over to Hermione, "And you lovely? What do they call you?"

Hermione spat in his face before answering, "Penelope Clearwater, Half-blood."

The other snatcher checked his notebook, "There's not Dudley in here. Do you hear that Ugly? They say your lying!"

"How come you don't want us to know who you are?" One of the snatchers said.

"The list is wrong, I told you who I am," Harry said.

The lead snatcher walked over to Athena, smiling wickedly before saying, "Athena Riddle. It's a pleasure to meet you, my Queen of Death."

Athena scowled and actually spat her saliva into his eyes, her own bright red with rage.

The man went over to Harry, lifted his hair and saw the scar, and muttered, "Change of Plan. We're not taking this lot to the Ministry."


The Malfoy Manor was even darker then Athena remembered, reeking of dark magic and blood.

Her bracelet tingled, and she tried to touch it back.

They entered the manor, leading the group into the drawing room.

"DRACO!" Lucius called, eyeing Harry and Athena. Soon enough, footsteps chorused from the hallway.

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