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The manor was deathly quiet. Theo was sitting next to his father, squirming a little bit uncomfortably. Athena was at the head of the table, Voldemort residing next to her in a smaller throne like chair.

Draco, sitting next to Lucius, was staring at Athena. Her eyes had lost their glint as soon as she saw Dumbledore fall off the rails of the Astronomy Tower, and since then it has not returned.

The word spread fast, newspapers going around Wizarding Worlds like fire explaining the cold and cruel manor in which Athena murderously killed her head master.

In the darkness encased in her life, she was implied as a malicious leader, perfectly cruel and harsh for the Death Eater world.

No one had expected a 17 year old to kill one of the most powerful wizards in history, so when word got out, she was immediately feared among all.

And for some strange reason, she bathed in it. She loved how people coward under her gaze, how the men who took her innocence now bowed to her, how everything and everyone who wronged her - now feared her. She loved how she was becoming the Queen of Death.

The Daily Prophet explained her as a menace to society, taking over the world with her fearlessness and capability of death.

Two weeks had passed since the death of her headmaster, and Athena couldn't shake the look he gave her as his eyes became lifeless.

Since then, Voldemort was happy. He was, in some sort, proud of his daughter.

So here the death eaters sat, awaiting Snape's arrival as the kids of Hogwarts old Ancient Muggle's professor was hanging in agony.

The door creaked open and Snape stepped through,

"Severus, I was beginning to think you had lost your way. Come, we saved you a seat," Voldemort announced, nodding his head in the direction of an empty seat near Bellatrix.

He took his place, "It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall."

Yaxley spoke, "I heard differently, my lord, that Potter boy will not be moved until the 30th of this month. The day before he turns 17."

"This is a false trail, clearly, the Auror office no longer plays a part in the protection of Harry Potter," Athena said, looking at Yaxley, "those closest to him have believed we infiltrated the Ministry."

"Well, they have that right, haven't they?" Rowle chuckled from across the table.

Athena gave him a death stare, "There is no we in this, Rowle, perhaps it would do you good to remember you were healing from the torture session I gave you after you tried to get into the ministry - by yourself."

Voldemort smirked, "What's say you — Pius?"

Pius Thicknesse was shivering in nervousness at the other end of the table, "One hears many things, my lords, whether the truth of them though, is not clear."

"Spoken like a true politician eh'?" Athena smirked, "I believe you will prove very useful, Pius."

Voldemort laughed slightly and turned to Snape, "Where will the boy be taken?"

"A safe house, my lord," Snape said, "most likely one of a member of the Order. I'm told it's been given every manor of protection possible. Once there, it will be impractical to attack him."

Athena slightly flinched at the news. Unlike Snape, she was unable to be in contact with the Order. They surely would not trust her now, and while she did not even care about the death of Dumbledore, but rather her friendships being destroyed.

Her mind drifted silently to Onny, Blaise, Enzo, Hermione, Ginny, and the twins. Maybe even Harry.

Bellatrix sat up higher, "My lords," she looked between Athena and Voldemort, "I would like to volunteer myself for this task!"

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