First year - #4 experience

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Harry was at Athenas hospital bedside with Hermione, Ron, Onyx, Theo, Enzo, Blaise, Pansy, Draco, the twins and Jordan, Luna, and Neville.

They had all been told by Madam Pomfrey that she should be waking up soon so they all hurried to watch her wake up.

It had been a mystery how she was still alive. Harry told everyone what happened so everyone has been sending sweets and candies to Athena's dorm and hospital bed, much to Madam Pomfreys dismay.

Dumbledore was grateful she defeated her own father, but angry at himself for letting such an odd thing happen.

She knew her father now and would most likely go off on him during dinner the next day, which he would have to take because he felt he deserved it.

With a wince and a murmur, Athena's eyes opened slightly as she saw all her friend's huddled over her waiting for her to wake up.

With a smirk and laugh she groggily said hey as they all sighed in relief she wasn't dead.

After fully getting up, her friends all said how much of a hero she's being described as at school and at dinner she would be bombarded with love and questions.


As her and her friends walked into the Great Hall, Athena's eyes only took up one pair of the many stares at her. Dumbledore.

"Now before you yell and shout-"

"No, before you make excuses for your poor decisions, let me speak." Athena intervened.

"You told me that my last name was a coincidence and I am no where near related to Tom Riddle. And look where that's gotten me! I was almost killed by a physco possessed teacher who was taken over by my maniac father. I deserved an explanation about my family when I first stepped foot in this castle. You had no right not telling me because I am not mature enough." Athena huffed as she finished her sentence.

"If I figure out you lie to me again, I will never speak to you," Athena finished.

Dumbledore stayed seated taking in what happened as Athena made her way to the Slytherin table.


On the train ride back home, The slytherins and Hermione all sat in one compartment. Draco, Blaise, Theo sat on one side while Athena, Enzo, and Onyx sat on the other.

They were all sad they had to return home, but Athena knew she would see some of them over the summer as their parents would meet up and they would get to play together.

As they all rolled out of the Hogwarts Express, they said their goodbyes and headed home, where Athena was very nervous to go.


Athena arrived at the Carrow Manor waiting for her caregivers to come say hi, as her elf Poppy escorted her with apparition out of the Train Station.

"Hello Athena, I was alerted of some news over the school year and I heard about your oh so brave accomplishments agaisnt your, father.." A chilling voice boomed from the darkness of the living room as Athena walked into the room and turned on the light.

Amycus Carrow was sitting there with Dolohov and Fenrir Greyback.

"This summer you need to learn when to not follow any ditzy Gryffindors, and these men you know will keep you in place. Happy Holiday vacation Athena."

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