Ministry proven wrong

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Her scream echoed through my ears, but I didn't care.

She deserved it. She killed my Godfather. My only normal family.

Something swooshed behind my head, and there stood Dumbledore right at my side. Harry ran out from behind the statue, looking at me.

Another swoosh, and we all turned.

Voldemort stood confidently, staring at us all for a good couple seconds before raising his hand.

His wand - very messily hanging from his fingertips - shot killing curses at Harry and I.

Dumbledore quickly stepped in front, acting as a blockade. Harry and I made a run towards the pillars, hiding ourselves behind one of them.

"We need to help him, Harry, he's growing old, we can't let him be alone out there," I knew my tone was harsh, but it was needed for the boy in front of me who was hiding behind a pillar; and from the man who wanted us dead.

Something rushed in my blood when I heard my father call my name, and without a thought or hesitation, I made my way out from behind the pillar.

Voldemort's wand stayed still for a moment, which gave me enough time to send a curse at him, making him fly back into the statue.

By now, I could hear Ministry workers at the end of the hall arrive, and I saw the Order pop out from the corner but stay concealed.

Voldemort quickly recovered, coming back at us more dangerous and powerful.

More spells shot out from all of our wands and hands, Voldemort turned a fire right at us.

Harry joined right at the last second, and Dumbledore blocked the fire with water, sending the spouts at the Dark Lord and covering him for a good moment.

My breath became shorter, but I had to catch it while I could.

My father, the dark lord, Voldemort, a maniac.

Right in front of me.

Once again.

He was now out of the ball of water, breaking every single class in the Ministry perimeters, and he sent it towards us.

I raised my hand, making a blockade which turned the glass shards into feathers.

Voldemort shot a spell at Dumbledore, and he was too slow to block it.

My headmaster flew back, almost landing on a Ministry worker.

Harry went to make sure he was okay, leaving me and my father in a duel.

His magic was too strong, overpowering mine in the green on purple spell collision.

He sent the killing curse, whereas I sent a paralyzing curse.

They met in the middle, but soon his wand started to break in half from the power of energy surging through my hands.

I don't know how or when, but I fell. My knees went weak and I could hear his voice in my head.


All of them.

First year, Philosopher's stone.

Second year, Chamber of Secrets.

Third year, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew.

Fourth year, Tri-Wizarding Tournament.

Torture and spells in between.

Being raped, tortured, hit.

Fifth year, Umbridge.

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