Earning the way to the top

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this is where u may hate Athena. I promise u all, it'll all work out. i love u.

We entered the manor, led by Mippy.

We followed the tiny creature until we were in the entrance of the drawing room, interrupting a meeting.

At the end of the table sat Rowle and Yaxley, and the Death Eaters continued on until the head of the table held two seats. One of which was occupied by Voldemort.

"My daughter, soon to be the Dark Lord in training — if you comply, come sit. If you agree, I will hold no grudges of your actions these past couple of years. If you don't, well—the cellar holds one person that may change your mind." The Death Eaters chuckled along with the Dark Lords words.

He silenced them all, and the room went quiet. Everyone turned to me, waiting for my opinion. Their beady eyes made my head trail back to the things they did to me.

"I'll never join you, your cruel and disgusting. Your actions are truly vile and if I wasn't being stared at by creepy men, I would throw up." The words hissed from my mouth, my voice hoarse and demanding.

Someone grabbed my shirt, and I was met with the voice to Fenrir Greyback.

"I'll be with you in a moment, take her down, show her who gets killed if she doesn't agree." Voldemort stood from his throne like seat, and started to follow us as Greyback dragged me towards the cellars.

After practically tumbling down the stairs, I was thrown on the ground, right next to a familiar scent.

When I looked up and found the same raven haired best friend I have had for 6 years, the girl who made me feel welcome in 1 year, I almost cried.

She had been beaten, recently.


My Onny.

"You agree to join my force, or I will kill her right now in front of you," Voldemort stood next to me, staring me down as Onny was shivering in the corner.

"I'll join. But I need to see her be let go, she needs to be safe," I turned towards my father, who started to laugh. Mippy came down and apparated Onny away, to a safe house or her manor most likely.

And I ascended the stairs, entering the drawing room yet again. If Onny's life was at risk, I could do this.

I could do this for her.

I needed to.

"My followers. Meet your new highest rank, my daughter, Athena Riddle!" The table cheered, Fenrir growled at me, and Yaxley wolf whistled.

Someone's hand was on my back, leading me to the seat at the head of the table.

After I was seated, all eyes were turned towards me, waiting for a grand old speech.

Voldemort sat down, Nagini slithered in between our seats and rested her head on the table, right beside my hand.

I looked down at her, and surprisingly, her scaly head leaned into my palm. She nuzzled into my hand, closing her eyes for a moment.

I smiled slightly at the contact.

"Now, I'm sure you are all very upset about the new highest rank. Of course, that's normal. But our lovely new member isn't climbing the ranks without any task." My father hissed, continuing, "Athena, you are to kill one of the hostages in the basement within the span of today and tomorrow. I suggest getting it over with now."

My breath went short and my mind stopped working as his words sunk in. I had to kill one of the people downstairs.

In the cellar.

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