Queen of Death

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"You lied to me Ollivander! LIED!" Voldemort pressed the wand maker against the wall of the cellars.

Athena cringed slightly at the way the man stared at her with curious eyes.

Today was the day. She would take over the ministry, kill innocent muggles, and then in the next couple of days, they would bombard the Burrow.

Harry was staying there, she could feel it. Rodolphus Lestrange found the trace from the Ministry, finding Harry's exact location.

It was so easy to find him, too easy.

But Athena did more research on Horcrux's and their traits. She had found two possible things. Nagini, as Voldemort was always so protective over her. And Helga the Hufflepuff's goblet.

She did research inside her head, organizing the bookshelves and reaching inside of her memories that weren't hers. It didn't take a very bright mind to figure out the memories had come from her very own father, so skimming through the ones she didn't realize were in her head was easy for Athena.

She figured the goblet was somewhere nearly impenetrable, highly secure and risky. Nagini, however, was an easy target. But Nagini dying would take more then a spell or even knife, it would probably require something more dangerous.

Dumbledore's hand was nearly all dusty with a black charcoal color, rotting away because he destroyed the ring. The Headmaster must have used something equally as destructive, not something out of the ordinary.

Nevertheless, Athena's mind was always scattered and everywhere at once.

She felt like the Horcruxes were on the tip of her tongue, right there. But for some reason, she couldn't find it in her to think of any others.

But, then again, the goblet was a Hogwart's relic. The Ring was Voldemort's. So if the Diary was something that meant a great significance to him, he wouldn't have made another. As he didn't have many significant items in his life, it only made sense in Athena's mind that there was more Hogwart's objects.

While Voldemort in front of her was actively torturing Ollivander, Athena closed her eyes and tried to think of things that could've been Hogwart's related.

First, the goblet. She had a weird tug in her heart towards that object, which may help her find out other Horcuxes in the future.

There had to be other items, but what house and how could she find them?

The Locket is an obvious item of Salazar Slytherin. But Harry took it from Athena on their way into the Astronomy Tower on the night of Dumbledore's death.

And clearly, it has not been destroyed because there have been no signs of weakness in Voldemort.

It could be a fake, but that wouldn't make sense.

Athena's brain worked as Ollivander's screams entered the air around her.

If it was fake, where would the real one be? Who replaced it? How did they replace it and are they still alive?

Athena could do some research, but it would be hard. Nearly everyone during the first Wizardry War had testified against Voldemort in some way, meaning the people possible were endless.

Of course, many stood out for many valorous acts, but even then the numbers were high.

Athena sighed out loud in annoyance accidentally. Voldemort turned, "Is this too tiring for you?"

"To be quite frank, father, his screams are giving me headaches. He clearly does not know where the Elder Wand is, so give it up," Athena explained, her pointer fingers rubbing at her temples.

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