Poly Juiced

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Draco winced as Voldemort was screaming again. He did a lot of that now that their new Queen of Death was gone.

Reactions were a very large variety. Some were happy she was gone, because she was so scary. Some were terrified because Voldemort would be angry more then usual.

Draco — well, he was heart broken and happy. He missed his witch an abnormal amount, his heart clenching whenever he felt the tingle on his wrist. But he was happy she was away, escaping.

Voldemort was torturing someone and many Death Eaters had just filed out of the room, leaving Draco with time to visit Luna Lovegood in the cellars.

She had arrived a couple weeks before, near the start of September. He had visited her as much as possible, with food and healing potions.

He didn't mind her, she provided a shoulder to cry on when he was missing Athena. She knew their relationship was strong.

Not to mention, one night she had said something about Athena being pregnant by November, meaning she would give birth in August of next year, bearing Draco's child. Of course, it could be possible, but Draco refused to believe it.

He couldn't deal with the possibility, especially after just losing her.

He missed her a thousand, and his heart ached with every minute she was not near him.


The London streets were busy as Ron and Harry dragged two men into a small secret room. Two woman were already lying there.

Hermione spoke up, "Right. Remember what we said. Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary, just try to act normal. Just try to do what everyone else is doing, do that and with a bit of luck, we can get inside. And then.."

"It gets really tricky," Harry said.

"Correct," Hermione nodded as she turned to look at the four unconscious bodies in front of them.

"This is completely mental," Athena muttered, slightly tapping at her bracelet and getting a tap back.

"Completely," Ron agreed.

"The world is mental, come on, we have a Horcrux to find," Harry said.

Simultaneously, they all drank their potions and transformed.

As a group, they travelled to the Ministry entering location.

Athena and Hermione split off, finding a bathroom. They stepped into the open stalls, and found a toilet and flusher.

Athena peered over the stall into Hermione's, "We— we flush ourselves in."

Hermione looked up, "That's bloody disgusting."

Athena stepped into the toilet and flushed, being sent into the floo network at the Ministry.

She and Hermione found Ron and Harry in their transformed bodies, splitting away from the crowds and finding a large statue.

"Are those..." Harry started.

"Muggles, in their-," Hermione started.

Athena continued with a shaky voice, "rightful place."

"Got to tell you, I'm starting to freak out a bit," Ron said.

"How long did you say this batch would last, Athena?" Harry asked.

"I didn't," She replied.

The group made their way to the elevators, but before the door could close, Yaxley stopped the fence like barrier.

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