Second year - #3 experience

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hey babes! climax of the plot of second year! YAYAY also thanks for reading my loves!

hapoy reading baes

The four kids looked up at him with wide eyes. Harry's wand was scattered at his feet as he kneeled down to grab it.

"Oi, Harry are you that thick? Your wand!" Athena glared at the brunette with a harsh look as Tom chuckled.

"Tom, you have to help us. Don't you want to help your daughter? The basilisk is going to eat Ginny! Petrify her! You need to help us because the basilisk-"

"Won't come until it's summoned..." Tom finished Athena's sentence for her.

"Give me my wand, Tom!" Harry stated towards the ghost like figure.

"You won't be needing it.. I have other means for you to fight tonight, all of you really.." Tom whispered.

"At least tell us how to wake her up, you old shithead!" Theo said, and just then Tom started to whisper again.

"Well, with every second she grows weaker, I grow stronger. I will absolutely not wake her." The group stood still, surprised at what they had just heard.

"So what, you're just going to let her die?" Athena exclaimed as she stood up in front of Tom. He smirked and continued to speak.

"That's my plan daughter... why, do you care for the girl?"

"Obviously she cares, Weaselette is laying there unconscious!" Draco stood next to the raven headed girl.

Tom whispered some sort of enchantment and went away, leaving the group confused and not knowing what to do with Ginny.

As soon as Theo was about to make a remark, the basilisk rounded the corner from where Tom entered. The four all screamed and started to run down the pathway once again.

The water rose on each side of the pathway, the Basilisk slithering after the group. Theo and Harry veered off to the side while Draco and Athena went to the left.

They entered the sewer corridors, sprinting in all different directions.

Draco tried going one direction, whereas Athena veered to the right.

"Oi! You dumb bimbo! This way," Athena exclaimed. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Get over here, Athena," He ordered. Athena shook her head and stood her ground.

"No, follow me, blondie," Athena said, continuing down her path until she heard his footsteps - to which she replied, "Your my bitch now."

Draco ignored her comment and pointed to the left corridors, which would cut off the Basilisk. Athena nodded, too scared to talk and attract the beast after them.

Inside the damp hallway, they heard the Basilisk go past them. After a couple of seconds, they ran back to the main pathway - where Ginny was looking more purple.

Draco and Athena turned abruptly when they heard girlish screams. There, Theo and Harry were running down the pathway as the Basilisk was going after them.

Theo was screaming and Harry was waving his hands around in a panic. If they weren't being chased by a ancient beast, maybe Athena and Draco would've laughed.

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