Fires and Punishments

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No one dared to talk in the train ride. Draco was across from Athena and they hadn't made eye contact, yet their hearts still slowly crumbled underneath each other's presence.

Athena had just came to the terms of her love for him, and then he broke it. He broke up with her.

It was snowing, the weather outside the train compartment was gloomy and matched the feelings inside the train.

Kings Cross Station appeared fast, and the group made it off of the train with ease.

Athena apparated almost immediately, trying to get away from Draco as tears were already building up.

Upon entering the Malfoy Manor, where she would be staying and shadowing her father, Athena's blood ran cold.

Someone was screaming. It was lady like, even if the shrills were cracking through the seams of the house.

Athena was running towards the sound before she realized someone was behind her. Similar footsteps.


Athena's feet carried her through the corridors of the manor, through the amazing and elegant halls that reminded her of hope.

And when she stumbled upon the room where the screams we're echoing from, she stopped.

It was the room next to the cellars, Lucius's study.

Athena opened the door and immediately stilled. The boy following her bumped into her and then took a gasp of surprise and hurt.

There, in the center of the study, was Narcissa Malfoy. She was chained up inside a barred square. Voldemort had his wand pointed at her as she screamed.

"MUM-," Draco shouted, not even caring as he stumbled forward. Voldemort stopped his spell, realizing the children were in the room.

"Ah, the children have arrived. Good," He hissed.

Athena stumbled back, feeling the bile in her throat rise. Narcissa's hair was down, messy, and her eyes looked tired.

"What— what's wrong?" Athena asked, her voice coming out small.

"Well, I found out the deed has not been done yet. To— in better words — get you two motivated, I have resorted to this. Shame that you guys get off later, perhaps if they made the break occur earlier you would've been able to save poor Narcissa here from a lot of pain," Voldemort hissed.

Draco's hand rattled the bars on the cage, and when Narcissa reached to grab his knuckles, he started to cry.

Sobs wretched from his throat as Voldemort unlocked the cage, allowing Narcissa to be in Draco's grasp.

"We will do better, father, I promise," Athena choked out in her own cries.

"You have to, or the consequences will be great," Voldemort whispered before exiting the room.

Only then did Draco realize his father was cowering in the corner of the room. He too was crying.

Athena and Draco spent the rest of the afternoon struggling to take care of Narcissa, who was shaking with tremors in her joints.


"You go and attack, you try to find Potter and you report back after causing havoc." Voldemort hissed, sending Bellatrix, Fenrir, Athena, and Rowle bowing their heads.

They were about to go to the Burrow, where Harry, the Weasley's, Tonks and Lupin were. Athena was the leader of the mission, and she knew she was just going to lead them in the wrong directions.

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