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A month passed and the whole death eater and bitchy attitude became easier for Athena and Draco.

Not only because Narcissa found out about their adventures and night to the Burrow and pledged to keep their secret safe, as long as she could meet her sister after the years they spent apart.

But also because they would sneak happy little moments together.

Almost every night they made their way to the balcony of the roof, and just sat there and enjoyed each other.

Sometimes they would snog, their lips molding together perfectly.

They would never go further then kissing, their tongues pushing each other's pain together.

The relationship terrified Athena, maybe even more then it did Draco.

Her recent one with Theo, who had recently joined the Death Eaters and looked positively horrible, turned out gut wrenching and made her cry for weeks.

And for Draco, well, he was taught by his own father that woman are theirs.

They are to do whatever they want and the woman in their hold should comply.

Even as a young boy, he knew it wasn't right. But it was confirmed when Narcissa used to teach Draco without his father knowing, explaining how to treat woman and such.

The thought of being with Athena terrified Draco, he was absolutely petrified whenever he caught himself looking at her beautiful green eyes, even if they were nearly black because of the emotion changes.

On most occasions, he would catch himself watching her doze off, she looked most at peace.

Her eyebrows would relax after furrowing together either out of frustration or pain, her eyes would still and her lips would slightly part.

She looked absolutely beautiful.

And if it wasn't enough for him to be caught looking at her, she would often admire his beauty as well.

His perfectly pale complexion, his ice like eyes that would remove their occlumency guards around her, his high cheekbones and how relaxed he would be when he knew she was near.

They fit together like a puzzle piece, and it truly scared them both until they were doubting how they would even make it through life together.

So, that brings them to a particular night on the balcony, Athena was resting on Draco's chest as they watched the stars.

Before she could stop herself, she blurted out, "How do you think we can win this? My father's army is only increasing and the Order barely has any idea what we are doing here."

Draco adjusted himself to look at her, "I don't know what happens next, if that's what your asking. I think Good should always win over Evil, but knowing the wonder boy doesn't even have a clue what we do here terrifies me."

Silence hung over them like a curtain. The storm clouds rolled in quietly as rain started to pelt against their skin.

Suddenly, Athena got up from her position, held out her hand, and started to say, "Dance with me."

"We don't have any music, Athena," Draco watched Athena put her hands on her hips and narrow her eyes at him.

"We don't need music, now take my hand or else I'm going inside," Athena took her hands off her hips and moved them near Draco's.

And when he was finally up, the rain started to pour.

But they didn't care. Because when your with someone you can truly be yourself with, and they make you feel how good Draco made Athena feel, rain was the least of their worries.

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