Back to Hell

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The school was gathered in the courtyard, Dumbledore speaking some nonsense.

Athena was resting on Theo's shoulder, trying to get more comfortable. Ever since Athena was confined in the hospital wing, he got all anxious and nervous around her, but in verita serum when he was being questioned about Athena's behavior, 'pomfrey's rules  for seriously injured kids', he said he wasn't nervous around her because she was 'fragile'.

Athena overthought it constantly, what if he's getting over her?

It had been almost 2 years, but they always are satisfied with each other. Athena couldn't help but wonder if it was him, maybe he just needed some space.

To find out, Athena was extra caring towards him, trying to lure the information out.

But there they were, standing in the courtyard as Dumbledore said some weird things about how next year is going to be different, and everyone already knew that.

Soon the kids were called to the carriages for the train to go home. Athena was worried, every step towards the train she would think about the consequences and what is going to happen over the summer.

Theo looked like he was trying to be comforting, but he as well has to be involved if his father is, which meant even more space away from the two.

Enzo also looked very confused with himself, he knew who his mother was and so did Athena, he told her in 3rd year when he decided she was his best friend and they need to be more open.

Athena gladly agreed to the friendship like contract, feeling relieved she had someone beside Theo while Onyx was with Blaise; Draco shagging girls left and right and only hanging out with the group when he wasn't.

Draco ran towards the group with disheveled hair and smudged lipstick on his lips, an after glow bright on his cheeks.

The group laughed at him when he asked about the stares towards his look.

The silence the group walked in was all they needed, to be with each other but also have their space.

Finally, Theo broke the silence when they entered their compartment on the train.

"What happens now? We all have shitty lives at home that are about to get a lot more shitty. I mean look at Athena, she's got a maniac father on the hunt for her and she has those weird Carrow siblings to deal with in the mean time, Draco is probably going to have to watch his fathers every move, as will I, and become involved with you know who, Blaise's mother will find a rich death eater who will force Blaise into something he doesn't want to do with you know who, Enzo will have to deal with it at his manor, and Onyx will have to be our emotional support friend. And that's just the beginning of the summer now." The group processed what he said, dozing off to it.

"I'm terrified to go back if I am being honest," Athena paused, trying to find the right words, "I don't know how Alecto and Amycus will react and if I see my father, it's either torture or death eater ranking put in play." Onyx rubbed Athena's thigh that was exposed, and Athena knew it was only a friendly gesture.

"Then, let's make it a fun ride home and not dwell on our horrible families!" Enzo said, pulling out some muggle herb as the group all took hits of it.

The train ride home was actually peaceful, filled with laughs and smiles. The slytherin kids were having fun, as they say, the calm before a storm. They knew what was coming, but only to an extent.

Athena could feel her eyes fill in purple hues as they crossed the border to London on the train, meaning only 10 minutes away.

The worry filled her body as the kids around her all visibly get tense at the closeness.

"Promise we stay in contact? We cant let go during this. Athena if you get the chance you have to contact, if you don't contact by July 24, I am going to your manor and finding out if you are alright, ok?" Athena nodded as Onyx asked the group, no more like told, to write and stay in contact.

Tears were brimming Athena's eyes as the group boarded off the train, making their way closer and closer to hell as they saw the house elves waiting them.

Athena hugged Onyx with all her might, squeezing her love into her best friend, then moving to Draco, Enzo, and Blaise, pulling them into a quadruple hug. Finally she looked at Theo and he pulled her into a kiss, and soon after hugged her tightly, muttering some incoherent i love yous and stay strong for me.

"Miss, Carrows await your arrival, let's go please!" Misty the elf of Carrow Manor grabbed Athena's hand as she said her last goodbyes to her best friends.

They landed outside the Carrow mansion with a twist of their stomach, the elf stumbling a little due to the cruel and fragile treatment she's gone through. Athena quickly cast a healing spell non verbally so it wouldn't be noticed.

The elf led her inside, taking her bags and bringing them upstairs.

Athena tried to follow the elf but heard the male Carrow's voice booming through the corridor from his office.

"Don't you dare try to wait out the greeting of us, might as well get it over with. Come down here right this instant." Athena forgot how cruel his voice was, only seeing him once last summer and forgetting what it was like to be treated so cruelly.

She walked downstairs at a paced, confident stride, making sure she looked presentable in marble reflections of the decorations and floors.

She had forgotten how dark magic reeked out of the mansion, crawling out of the floors and seeing through the air vents.

She could practically smell it, and when she sniffed it out she found herself at Amycus Office, where he called her to. 

"Come in, bitch," Athena flinched slightly at the sound of his harsh tone, entering the room cautiously.

"Sit. We have some matters to discuss." Athena took a hard look at him, realizing she had almost never seen him worse.

His normally slicked back hair was now disheveled on his head, a beady black color. The pale tone of his face only made his skinny structure and eye bags pop out.

He looked horrible, to say the least.

Athena sat down in the chair across from his desk, staring at the man she hated the most besides her father. And Greyback.

"As you already know so much about," Amycus grinned and his rotting teeth were on display, "Your father has returned. Show me your arm."

Athena pulled her sleeve, showing the dark mark slithering through her skin.

He chuckled at the sight of her eyes when she looked at it, it was almost unbearable to see it.

"He's staying with us tonight, for dinner, you shall be on your best behavior and not say a word out of line, or else we will find someone to punish you the way you need to be punished. Also, before you leave crying like a fucking baby, your training is going to be intensified, we missed out last year and some men are waiting to see how you've grown." Amycus shooed her out of his room as she started to hyperventilate.

He was coming for dinner. And, and all the creepy men, they are coming back and performing more torture.

Athena couldn't breathe, finally making it to her room with tears gushing down her face at a speed unknown.

She went to bed crying herself to sleep on the floor, being awoken by a knock and someone saying to get ready for dinner.

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