Umbridge's techniques

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hola lovelies. ciao beauties. I LOVE U ALLLLLLLLLLLLL MWAH MWAH MWAH.

also sorry i had to give our athena a little revenge strike 💀😭

On the train ride, everyone was getting used to each other's presence more and more. Athena was laying down on Theo's lap, taking a long and needed nap.

Onyx was glaring at Blaise, who was shifting his eyes nervously around. He and her had a fight over the summer, and he responded by saying maybe they should take a break. Onyx obviously didn't like this, and told him to fuck himself. Draco and Enzo were tucked into the corner watching Theo skeptically.

He was brushing through her hair, over the past couple of days he decided he would try to mend their relationship. She still didn't get her memories back, and he could tell she still loved him.

But a weird, sinning urge told him to keep hurting her. To listen to... a voice, not his, but a voice in his head telling him to hurt her.

If Daphne approached him, he would tell her no. In his mind, deep down, he knew if she did go to him, he would eventually give in.

His and Athena's relationship was nothing short of perfect, they balanced their home lives and school lives just fine with their personal relationship. Snogging was amazing and they both always left satisfied, but there was something missing for Theo.

The voice in his head concluded that Athena had too many mental and family problems and that he couldn't help her, so he cheated with someone who had similar families with him. He could deal with another him, not with another Athena.

The two royals of Slytherin were the epitome of perfection in everyone else's eyes. They fit each other, warmth met warmth, they had similar personalities and they fit.

But the heat took over, sending Athena and Theo being overbearing the warmth.

Dozing off to the sound of Athena's light snores, Theo fell asleep.

The group all woke up to the slight halt of the train, and they saw their beloved school right before them. Athena smiled at it, her true, true, home.

They got on a random carriage, and most of the group was confused as to what was pushing them. Athena stayed silent, petting the thestral's head gently.

"They are only visible to those who have experienced death right before them," a soft voice broke the group out of the silent trans.

Athena looked back and saw Luna Lovegood seated next to her, she had always liked Luna. They would exchange hellos in the hallways and once when Marcus Flint knocked her over Athena sent him back with a spell and helped Luna to her feet.

Getting back to reality, the raven haired Slytherin realized everyone was giving Luna looks, especially Hermione and the other two suicidal idiots at the end of the carriage, who jumped on the last one with the Slytherins.

"That's Loony- Luna Lovegood," Theo stumbled on her words, something he never did unless he made a mistake - which was very rare.

Enzo, who was also good friends with Luna, even after their small fling in 4 year, whipped his head and shot a dirty look at him.

"Excuse me? What did you just call her?" Athena whisper-hissed at her boyfriend. He shifted uncomfortably on the metal bench he was sat on.

Luna didn't even looked fazed, she sat silently and let Athena get angry. Luna loved Athena for the protection she had over her, allowing her to fight some of her battles she knew she wouldn't win alone.

"If anyone should call anyone anything they should call u a prissy fucking prince," Athena was furious and didn't even realize the groups gasps as her eyes beated with red.

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