Second year - #1 experience

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hey my baes! i hope last chapter wasn't too much for anyone and if it was im so sorry. if you reported me or tried to get my story taken down i am not because that's fucking childish after i told u if you were uncomfortable with the topics discussed to skip through that chapter. Summer chapters will be tough to get through so if you don't feel comfortable you can skip past or I will bold important things in the chapters. Anyway i love u all and enjoy this chapter <3

also this beginning of the chapter is like diagon alley

Platform 3/4 was filled to the brim, as expected. Narcissa was leading the three kids, who were more then excited. Athena's eyes returned to their normal emerald shade after spending a week with her two best friend's.

She also developed a crush towards Draco as they almost kissed when they lifted their heads up at the same time, due to picking up the same item. She scolded herself and kept reminding her brain that they wouldn't ever work.

She promptly replied, "Watch it, Britney Spears."

Draco furrowed his brows and walked away with a thudding pulse.

Enzo saw the whole thing and got a picture on his new polaroid, which was gifted to the Slytherin friend group at Diagon Alley.

The Malfoy mother was leading them through the crowds as they tried to find their own friends.

When they met up with Blaise, Onyx, and Theo, they made their way towards the train.

Saying goodbye and thank you to their parents, the kids boarded the train with fits of laughter and stories about their summer.


The sorting ceremony was happening any minute and Athena was excited to see the new Weasley's house she would be put in. Hermione said she had a very slytherin like personality.

As the youngest Weasley made her way up to the podium, the hat expressed the confusion for her house when she sat down.

She had almost every single aspect of the Slytherin house, but her family was all Gryffindors. All In all, she was sorted into Gryffindor because of her family's heritage of Gryffindors.

The feast was amazing, as per usual, and Athena quickly fell in love with the school once again.

Now night time, Theo and Athena went outside near the whomping willow to get some air after dinner.

The two were talking about everything that happened over the summer and when Theo shot the question back at the raven haired girl, her eyes met his and they were swarming with a blue dust.

"What happened Athena? You know you can tell me anything," the boy whispered.

"Well it's really serious, and you can't say anything to another soul, Draco already knows because he heard me one night when he visited but other then that no one else." When the boy nodded along with her words, Athena raised her pinky. "Pinky promise you won't tell a soul?"

Theo raised his pinky and they interlocked their fingers, kissing the ends of their hands while doing so.

"Ok well over the summer, Alecto and Amycus wanted me to get stronger in my wandless and wordless magic. And to be fair I have gotten quite well at it. But that's not the point. The point is some of the male death eaters would bring me down to my cellars in the manor and— well, I guess use my powers against me. But it's ok because now I am here and I know Amycus and Alecto only wanted it so I could get better at magic."

The boys eyes went wide and mouth hung open, completely paled of any color of his face as he stared at the girl he likes.

"Holy Merlin, Athena, it's okay now. Your with us and I'll keep you safe," He brought the girl into his arms, which grew quite longer as did his height, where now he was definitely a couple inches taller then Athena.

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