The D.A.

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hello bitches. welcome. we are getting further into 5 year yas queens.

Athena's pov -

I was walking down the pathway towards Hogsmaede with Hermione, Harry, and Ron. I don't usually tag along with them, but I don't mind them. Hermione has been one of my go to's since first year, but we drifted as house rivalries grew.

I was pulled into a random shack and us four sat in the front of the room. Hermione started to speak to me.

"Athena, if Umbridge is never going to teach defensive spells, we need to figure something out. We have an idea, and it's a little risky but we also have a favor for you — if you join." I nodded to her words, signaling Hermione to go on.

"We are making a Dumbledore's Army, like the Order of the Phoenix but here! We need someone who is really experienced with fighting, and we thought who better then you? You could teach us spells you have done in the past, against dementors and you know who himself!" Hermione seemed nervous for my reaction, but I actually loved the idea.

"I— I think that's a great idea," I was almost out of my seat excited, being a teacher to help kids would be the best thing I could do right now, and Lunas talk about my aura means I have something to fulfill, and I am pretty sure this is it.

"There's one thing that would help us even more, and because you're a Slytherin it would work in your favor," Hermione slowed down, and Ron asked for her.

"If you could join the Inquisitor Squad, you could lie and say different places where we are and such, and it would keep Umbitch on her toes. We can organize things where we are seen escaping but only ever seen not caught."

I nodded at the idea, actually surprised they were so smart to think of that, "I wouldn't mind doing that either, being a double agent,"

They all looked relieved when I said it, and then the doors opened and everyone who wanted to join piled it.

The room was filled with Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, some Hufflepuffs here and there but I couldn't spot any fellow house members.

I looked around once more and found Enzo and Onyx in the crowd. I smiled at them, secretly applauding them for the bravery.

Hermione spoke up, saying the same speech she did to me, but also adding in some of the spells I have used and how they can help.

"How do we know you-know-who is even here? Back? Alive?" Someone in the crowd shouted at me, and I simply stepped in front of Hermione.

"Because of this," I raised my left sleeve. The dark mark was present on my skin, slithering around above the scars from the DADA teacher. Everyone took a step back, I had never shown anyone willingly.

"He's back," I stepped back, allowing Hermione to take the lead. Within minutes people were signing the sheet of agreeing to join.

Everyone was content, happy they were getting something.


One week into looking for a DA room, safely, Athena entered the Inquisitor Squad and was an applauded and respected member of the group.

She was trusted, exactly what she wanted. Neville found the room of requirement, making it perfect for the plans of the club to work.

Athena was practicing and helping kids with the stunning spell, duels going on everywhere. Everyone was getting the hang of it be super well, and Athena felt like a proud mother — almost.

Winter break was rolling around fast, and the DA was just getting stronger. Within weeks of training everyone could produce a patronus and many other defensive and offensive spells.

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