Chapter 15

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Yesterday when Ronald came bursting in and left with that venomous statement at me, I think it's safe to say I was a bit nervous, especially after seeing how that affected Lessia. But right after she barged out of the room, Gwen messaged me a saying everything was under control.

Apparently, my friends were getting bored here without any fun. So they decided the best way of entertainment was to stalk Ronald-our current mission- than doing nothing and as a result, they came to know about Ronald's intentions to check the footages and thus, were able to correct my reckless act that day.

When Alessia came back from her date yesterday, (note that she came back at midnight.. I repeat- Mid. Night.) she woke me up from my beautiful sleep and started ranting about her 'Oh so best date'. She didn't even let me blink my eyes saying that as a sister, it is my duty to listen to ALL the details of her date.

Can you believe it?! Because I definitely can't! Who in their right state of mind will wake a person from their sleep and start babbling about thier date?! It is a Sin.

'Oh... Lexi, he looked at me...oh, he stared at me... he tucked my hair behind my ear. He furrowed his eye brows...he chuckled...he smirked....he inhaled, he exhaled...Blah blah blah'

I think she might have lost half of her brain cells somewhere yesterday. Maybe she forgot them in his car? It was a really funny joke and you better laugh.

And today, Ronald came at 7 freaking AM to take Lessia with him saying that he had something romantic planned for them.

Being the most wonderful sister I am, I decided to stay with my friends today. I am pretty sure I will lose my remaining sanity if I listen to another minute of her 'Ronald rambling'

And if you are wondering what am I doing right now, well...

"When are we going back?" Gwen asked as we strolled aimlessly through the streets of New York city.

"Soon . I think everything is looking up for Alessia now. But before we go, I have a debt to clear." I said kicking a small pebble on my path.

"It's ok. Debts should not be delayed too much." Helen said with a knowing smirk.

I chuckled.

Soon the conversation drifted to our long days in London and just like every other times, this too led to an argument. And since I was not in a mood to get myself tangled with the heated mess, I diverted my eyes from them and looked around.

Suddenly a pair of golden eyes caught locked with my brown ones making me stood frozen for a second.

In contrast of the darkness of the great alley, those two orbs shone like two blazing sun staring right into my soul.

In that moment, I felt like it was just me and those eyes. Everything around us started to fade. I could no more hear the argument between my friends, nor the sound of horns and shouting of people. Just those eyes and me. It felt like I was a helpless iron pin so strongly pulled in by those magnetic eyes and before I knew, my legs were carrying me towards them.

I couldn't make myself to look away and then, it happened.


Oh.. God..I swear my heart melted into a puddle of awwa. So so cuuute!!!

I crouched down on my feet and took the small kitten in my hands. It barely fit in them. He was literally a ball of soft grey hairs with that captivating golden eyes.

"Hey..little one." I cooed grinning ear to ear.

"What are you doing here?" Kevin inquired coming behind me. I slightly arched my shoulders back to show him the cute little creature in my hands.

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