Chapter 16

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Alexia (5 years back)

Six months. It has been six months since I arrived in London. For what.? I don't know.

I was feeling nothing but suffocation in New York. I just wanted to run faraway from there. From the hell hole I called home. It felt like two invisible hands were trying to squeeze the life out of me.

Is that how betrayal feel?

What did I do wrong? I gave them everything they asked for. All I needed was them to treat me with a little bit of love, which I was foolish enough to think I deserved as a kid. Was that too much to ask?

I did everything I can to keep their greedy eyes away from my sister. She is too innocent for their tricks. But even while resisting them with all I have, somewhere in that delusional mind of mine, I thought that one day, one day they will realize their mistakes and seek forgiveness.

But no. Now, they had crossed their boundaries. I couldn't take it anymore. I won't. Why me? Didn't I deserve a normal childhood? Teenage? Worrying only about assignments, badboys, bullying, teachers, highschool...Everything seems like a wonderful dream which I couldn't have in this lifetime.

When everyone including my sister was worrying about all these, I had to worry about my job, money, suitors.. yes you heard it right, Suitors. Every evening, after working for hours after classes, I had to come home to suffer the presence of different men, all with intentions anything but good. My so called mother and father were trying their level best to get rid of me by marrying me off to anyone they could get their hands on.

They didn't care how old he was or what they wanted me for.

They just wanted me out of their house.

They didn't see me as their daughter, not even as their maid. They just ignored my presence. Because of what? I don't know. If they have even a little of care about someone else than themselves, it is Alessia.

She didn't disobey them like I did. She didn't talk back to them like I did. She didn't fight with them like I did. In short, she was not me. I was a burden. An unwanted, ignored piece of trash for them.

That didn't save me from their selfish plans. To marry me off!! I am just seventeen for heaven's sake! I endured everything, they are -no- were my family.

But I too am a human. I too have a soul which was thriving for freedom, from all these mental torture.

I hoped that one day everything was going to be alright.

Even when I didn't have anyone to understand me, to console me,I did it myself - I had to- hoping for that day to come when I would be what I wanted to be.

That one day when I'll be free from all the sufferings. But it didn't come. Look where I am now. Running from my demons like a coward...

The past days weren't easy. is not easy to survive the busy streets of london without money and power. Money was not a problem. From all those experiences from my past it was not a herculean task for me. I had worked too many different jobs and I was ready to work hard. But power...

I fisted my palms. Anger and grief surged in my veins as my mind once again took me back to that night.

I've had enough of those weeping nights. I am not going to sit back and let fate decide my life, not anymore. I am the ruler of my life. I will decide what my fate will be.

And everyone -every single one- who dared to mess with me will regret it. I will make sure of that. Especially...him.

The smirking face of the man I despise with every fibre of my being flashed in my mind. And for the first time, I didn't feel an ounce of fear or helplessness remembering his face.

All I felt was pity. Poor boy. Don't know what fate aka me has in store for him

Pulling the hood of the jacket over my head, I hugged myself from the pouring rain which was trying to wash away all the pain and sufferings. The sun is nowhere to be seen, darkness blanketed the atmosphere soothing me.

If I cannot live in light, I will gladly welcome the darkness with my whole  heart. If the sun had witnessed my sufferings, then the moon is going to see my resurgence.

When this rain comes to an end after washing away all the traces of my fear and restraints, it will be my new beginning. Rising from the ashes of my past, I am going to build a new empire where I will be the one in control, where I will be the one deciding the fate.

If you've done anything wrong, you'll be punished. But if you have committed a sin... you will be haunted.

I won't spare anyone of them. If they deserve peace, then I'll give them peace... forever.

Reciting the words in my mind like a mantra, I continued to stroll down aimlessly through the street which was puddled with the pouring rain.

Submerged in my thoughts I carelessly kicked a can and heard a voice when it clanged with something.

I looked up to see a pair of blue eyes staring back at me with an emotion which was very much familiar to me.


Submission to those who suppressed you, to those who exploited you, to those who scared you. Giving up your fight against the world inorder to save yourself from the sufferings, the pain, the fear. Giving up your hope for survival.

Beyond those blue eyes I saw a girl who fought her demons alone in a hope that one day she will survive. I was in her situation not long ago. If I had not been able to set ablaze the thirst for vengeance, I would have been succumbed to the alluring peace of death by now.

I didn't want to leave her alone in the dark. In those depths of the blue orbs , I see a fighter, a survivor.

I see me.

No one is worth her submission.

Without saying anything I removed my hoody and covered her shivering self with it. I gently held her cold hand in mine and led her to the nearby cafe.

We sat down on a table and I ordered two hot chocolate for us. She didn't meet my eyes, and I took the chance and trailed my gaze over her appearance.

Her clothes were worn pretty badly and the side of her arm and neck were lined by the marks of nails through which blood dripped out. She was barefooted. Her dark hair is sticking to her face making it nearly impossible to see the puffy eyes and swollen lips.

She pulled my jacket more into her body to stop herself from quivering too much.

I clamped my lips.

It won't take a genius to find out what  happened to her. The mere thought of what would have happened if she hadn't fought, made me clench my fist in anger.

I exhaled a deep breath in order to calm the anger in my veins. Right on time the waiter placed our orders on the table. I nodded her to take the cup and she obeyed with shivering hands.

After taking a sip from the hot chocolate she let out a sigh of relief making me smile.

"Alexia" I said maintaing the reassuring smile on my face to ease the tension between her brows. She looked at me with wary eyes before giving me a trembling smile.

"Helen" she whispered.


There is a warrior in every women.

It's just a matter of time before they realize it themselves.

...And when they do, they are unbeatable.🔥🔥

*then what about men?

🙄😑 y-you guys are....of course superman... Yeahh!! Superman!!

Lol.. I'm pathetic 😝 Trust me! I know😉

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