Bonus Chapter

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HAPPY NEW YEAR Buddiesssss!!!!


"Uh… Can we stop for a second? I need a break" I stated hesitantly as I wheezed, looking up at his broad back.

Without so much as a backward glance he continued to stride down the street with his long legs.

"Dude! Are you for real? Can you at least slow the fuck down?" I yelled trying to catch up with him.

It has been almost an hour since we started our arduous trek and I was yet to find a glimpse of London's daunting skyscrapers that could at least give me the relief of being anywhere near the city's business district.

But No. So far, I saw nothing but the crappy, dilapidated rectangular blocks that stood so close that even a peek between them was impossible. 

"Aarvin, please. Cut me some slack man!" I stated desperately trying to make him halt by pulling on his sleeves.

"What are you doing?" He hissed, snatching away his hand and glaring at me.

"What? Not everyone is a robot like you. You might be surprised to know some people actually need rest after such physically strenuous times. I can hardly feel my legs!" I snapped, crossing my arms and returning his glare.

His left eye twitched a little at my outburst, but nonetheless, his face remained stoic as ever and eyes as blank as a white paper.

"The reason you are still following me is beyond my comprehension, Miss. Costello. In case you've forgotten, you're a free citizen in this country and what you do or do not do has nothing to do with me. You're free to take as much as rest you need and surprise! You can even spend your night here on these streets if you want. Good night."

Finishing with a tight lipped nod, he left me there to gawk at his back while he resumed his walk without a care in the world.

I bit back a cry.

The sky has gone from blue to dark oranges and reds and within minutes the last ray of sunshine will be lost from the earth giving way to complete darkness. 

Considering the street was filled with unfamiliar faces, all looking worse than the other, I had nothing going on in my favor. Angering him won't do me any good. Especially when I don't know anything about my way back home.

Letting out a breath, I ran up beside him.

"Aarvin please, can you call an Uber then?"

"My phone is dead."

"That's fine. I will call one. But..the thing is… I forgot my wallet at home so..If you-"


"I mean.. I'll give you-"


"Where is your fucking sense of civility?! Just think about it. I swear after I reach home, I will pay you back. Every single penny." I assured giving him a sweet desperate smile.

Hearing me, he finally stopped and turned to look at me with a thoughtful face.

"Well...?" I asked hopefully with my smile blooming into a wishful grin.


I blinked.


"For the fourth time, Coffee,  I said No." He repeated with the same stoicism in his tone before walking away. 

"Y-You can't do this to me! My legs are trembling in tiredness, Mr. Anderson."

"I'm sorry for looking like I care." He deadpanned, not bothering to look back.

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