Chapter 33

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"How much more?"



"... Minutes" He said after a beat.

We've been on the road for sometime now and I've been asking him the same question for the past fifteen minutes with the sole intention of annoying the hell out of him which- may I add- is working surprisingly not well.

Giving him the stink eye, I turned my gaze back to the window.

I know I'm being a bitch. But how can't I? He came to MY house, to pick ME up, but didn't even bother to acknowledge MY presence.

He greeted everyone there even if it was just a nod of his head while he completely blocked out my presence.

I know I should cut him some slack because as we all know, he is a self centred-lie, arrogant, unfaithful-lie, untrustworthy -lie, stupid jerk.

So it should not be that much of a surprise to see him act like this. But... He could've at least complimented me, right? Not like I am expecting him to. Absolutely not. Still...

But can you blame me? When he acted all caring and considerate towards me the last time, I thought we could at least try to be friends for the sake of the deal. How will we work together if we are constantly at each other's throat?

So no. I can't be blamed for wanting world peace.

After a ten or more minutes of me bickering and muttering under my breath cursing him for being the jerk he is, we finally reached a big mansion which screamed wealth and radiated all the power it possessed.

The exterior alone was intimidating.

Parking the car, Aarvin got out of it and made his way towards my side. Before the 'gentleman' could reach my door, I stepped out of the car by my own.

I can open my doors for myself. Thanks.

"Oh, you were going to be a gentleman.?" I asked giving him a smug smile.

"Suit yourself "

He stated blankly with not even a fucking twitch of his face. And that was what irking me more than his constant arrogance. Is his face carved of stone or what?

I rolled my eyes out of exasperation to which he shrugged nonchalantly to show exactly that- his nonchalance.

"Shall we?" He asked holding his hand out to me.

Biting back a remark, I placed my left hand in his awaiting palm. Like he had said I decided to act like a perfect girlfriend for the night. I repeat- Perfect. Girl. Friend.

I smirked to myself at the thought.

With my hand gracefully in his, we entered the mansion where men in ridiculously expensive suits and women in vogue cover worthy dresses gathered together.

The house, by all means, was regal. The vast corridors of the main hall was illuminated with soft lights and people of high classes swarmed in adding to the royalty of the place.

Even the air itself carried the richness of the crowd which for some reasons made me uneasy.

Firmly holding my hand, Aarvin moved through the people with his impassive face, where I think, is to see the host. Even with his poker face he acknowledged everyone who greeted him with a nod and handshake. While he was busy with his partners and clients, my eyes wandered around the people to find a certain girl with brown hair.

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