Chapter 53

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I'm such a beauty…aren't I?

I smiled at myself in the mirror as I ran my fingers through my untied hair.

Those brown orbs... Those pink lips... Those eyebrows, long lashes...

With a giggle I laid back on my bed with a 'thud' looking at the plain ceiling.

With a dreamy tug of my lips, I touched the nape of my neck where Aarvin had kissed me.

His lips were so soft against my skin and each of his touches were like a drug which left me craving for more.

I still don't know how I managed to act steady and stable (okay...that was a lie) around him yesterday.

Each time the memory of his grey orbs flashed in my mind, I felt the giddiness bubbling inside me and within seconds, I found myself smiling at a closed door.

How is he able to make me feel like this?

I always kept myself comfortable in a hard feisty shell and then he just came like a lightning and in the blink of an eye…. I don't even know where the pieces are now.

I sighed.

What are you doing to me Aarvin.?

If love is your answer, then let me say...

.. I don't know for how long I can indulge myself in this mirage.

"Can I come in?"

I turned my head in the direction of the voice to see Kevin peeking his head at my door.

"Of course you can." I chuckled sitting straight.

"Something is smelling unusual." He said looking at me with a mischievous smirk.

"Oh, that! I just tried a new room freshener." I shrugged resting my head on his lap as he sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Hahaha. Very funny." He deadpanned lifting an unamused eyebrow.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I frowned


Throwing him a wary glance, I closed my eyes when I felt his soothing fingers moving over my scalp ceasing the frown lines on my forehead.

I relaxed, all the anxious and worrying thoughts left my mind as I relished in the peacefulness.



"Why do you love Gwen?" I asked without opening my eyes.

"That is a question I've been asking myself all these years. Why do I love him? Is it because of his strong muscles? Maybe. Or is it because of his nice abs? Must be. Yeah. I think it is bec- Oww! Jeez girl!!"

He cried rubbing the side of his ribs where I had poked him.

"Why did you do that?!" He asked making me scowl.

"I asked you a serious question and is this how you answer it? "

"Then how do you want me to answer? I'm being honest here. I love him because he is him. I love him for what he was, now is, and I will love him for what he will be."

Pushing away his hand from my head, I sat up, facing him.

"Kevin, that wasn't my question. My question was ‘Why do you love him ?’ What did you find in him that you couldn't find in anyone else? Why him out of the freaking eight billion others in the world?" I exclaimed throwing my hands.

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