Chapter 72

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I gaped blinking my eyes at her and then at Aarvin who sat behind the table, running his hand over his mouth with a small twitch of his eyebrows.

"What are you doing here woman? Who gave you the permission to barge in like that?" Ronald growled with a displeased frown on his ugly face.

"Ron! Of course she came to see her sister. Don't use that tone on her. She is family now."  Sarah scolded sternly before facing me with a soft smile.

"I don't know how you managed to find us here. But the girls have been planning all week to surprise you during our visit and you just blew all their careful plans away." She giggled moving from her chair to greet me with a warm hug, while I stood there frozen on my spot not knowing how to cope with the situation.

My mind was completely blank as I retained myself from groaning loudly while hitting my head on the nearest wall at the dilemma I literally walked into.

He was calling me to warn me, wasn't he?

Well, the fucker was bloody damn late!

"Er..I-I.." I stammered opening and closing my mouth like a fish.

"It's okay. I understand your eagerness to meet your sister after so long. It's been months, isn't it?" She smiled before turning to Aarvin.

"I deeply apologize on her behalf for entering without your permission. I hope you would be kind enough to excuse her just this one time."

"Yes, Mr. Anderson. I too apologize for her behavior. Please… Just this once pardon her for her unruly behaviour!" Lessia nearly cried out as she bit her lips in panic.

"Mr. Anderson, please…" She requested again as he continued to give her his infamous blank stare which was making her squirm slightly in her seat.

"You don't have to plead to him, Lessi. I'm sure he doesn't mind." I frowned.

"Lexi! Don't speak like that." She warned in disbelief before turning to him.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Anderson. My sister can bit rude sometimes. But she really is a good girl. I'm sure she didn't mean that. I know you guys got acquainted back in New York, ma-" Her nervous ranting was cut short by a small lift of Aarvin's eyebrow which made her snap her mouth shut.

"But that doesn't mean I will tolerate this kind of behaviour, Miss. Costello. Your sister or not, no one is allowed to barge into my office like it's some public park." He said making my brows shoot up to my hairline.

What the?

"I'm sorry, but what?" I asked in astonishment at his behavior.

"Are you deaf? I am sure everyone here could hear what I said." He remarked with his usual blank tone and if it was not for the glint of amusement in his eyes, I would have definitely slapped him in the face- with his chair.

"Lexi. Keep quiet." Lessia hissed quietly in my ear and I had the strongest urge to roll my eyes at her words.

"Let's just calm down, kids. I think we should come to the purpose of our visit. We shouldn't take too much of his time." Mr. Mcbain stated, earning a nod from his wife.

"Yes yes. I agree. Now that you're here too, dear, I think it's the perfect time to disclose it."  She said walking me to the seat between Lessia and Natasha before taking her seat beside her husband.

"We are planning to host a party this Saturday at our house here in London, celebrating my sweet little girl who had just completed her Master's in fashion designing." Sarah exclaimed gleefully with a proud smile that could put expensive chandeliers to shame.

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