Chapter 32

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"He didn't even ask you to pay for the damage?" Kevin chuckled wiping his tears that formed as a result of laughing too much.

"No. He didn't. But that doesn't mean I'm off the hook. I still don't know how I ended up here safely. I was so sure he was going to take me to an abandoned torture house and skin me alive from the look he gave me then." Lexia said visibly shuddering at the thought.

I couldn't help snickering.

"I really can't believe you smashed a Volvo like a piece of potato! What were you thinking? It's indeed a great miracle that you're sitting here alive. If it was me in his place, I would've tied you to a stone and thrown you into Thames. Thank Goodness I didn't trust you with my baby."

Lex narrowed her eyes at my remark and stuck out her tongue like a five year old.

"Lex... I don't think Anderson is that much of a jerk like you have been claiming. He seems nice." I looked at Kevin, pexplexed by his remark.

Man..! Do he have a death wish or what? Lex will definitely chew him out for that 'nice' comment alone.

Me and Gwen looked at her alarmed, ready to pounce between them in case world war three breaks out.

But to our utter and complete astonishment she looked down at her lap and sighed. SIGHED!! WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN ?!! AND WHY THE HECK AM I FREAKING OUT??! CALM DOWN...!!

"Yeah...He is a.. um.. nice guy."

Gwen choked on air on hearing her and I was too busy gawking at her to give him some water.

"Lex....?" I called.

"Hmm?" She hummed looking up from her lap and into my eyes.

"Explain." I deadpanned pinning her down with my unfaltering stare

Her eyes widened at my tone as she frantically started to shake her head.

"I-Its not what you think.. I mea-"

"Alexia." Her speech was cut short by Gwen's warning tone. Oh o...Big Brother mode on.

"What?" She mumbled innocently.

"You were awfully quite since you came back. What happened? -And No. Don't even think about saying everything is okay. Spill. " He said leaving no room for further arguments.

She sighed

"Actually...I don't know what to say. Today was one heck of a day. All those chasing and running...But...You know.." She looked at Kevin before continuing, "...You are right. Aarvin is not a bad guy, but not good either. There is something about him that doesn't sit well with me. The look on his face when he stood in the crowd looking frantically for that Miller girl, all tired- exhausted, I don't know why or what but his eyes, they were longing. Even when he was physically and mentally worn out, he did care for me." Her lips tugged a little at the corners in remembering.

Something's smelling fishy...

"It's not everyday I see someone caring for me. Especially a stranger. Why would he care for someone like me? He should've focused on his own problems. What happens to me is none of his business. Then why? The only one who ever cared for me apart from you was my sister and now, look what I had done to her? Left her in that hell hole all alone while I am building a life here. Why would anyone care for me when even my birth givers don't give two flying fuck about me? Wh-" Her voice cracked at the end and she tried her best not to let the tears out.

"Hey.. " Gwen cooed pulling her towards his chest and hugging her tightly trying to sooth her with his loving words.

"I know it sounds silly. B-but to me it's not. You should've seen him there completely drained, it triggered something in me. It hurt. It hurt to see him like that. Because at that moment he reminded me of myself. A broken human desperate for someone, a-anyone to lend a spark of light to ignite the dying hope. For me, no one came. No one cared. I saw that in his eyes, that same feeling. It's suffocating, you know. It's are in a dark empty box, trying so hard to breath when there is nothing but vacuum. The cold...chilling to the bones....." She whimpered clutching his shirt tightly.

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