Chapter 71

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"If it isn't our dear little kitten. How kind of you to bless us with your rare presence. Can't say we missed you much." Kevin sassed earning an eye roll from Helen who finally decided to return home after days spent away with her boyfriend.

"Why so jealous Kevin? Tsk tsk…It doesn't suit you."

"Why would I be jealous? I've got an awesome fiancé who is far better than your gang leader of a boyfriend." He frowned, sticking his tongue out.

"Admit it Kev, you're jealous. You're jealous that my boyfriend gives me more attention than your awesome fiancé is giving you. Who by the way is too busy playing stupid games to even notice your whiny ass."

"Don't pull me into your fights, Helen. Truce! "  Gwen shouted, not bothering to look up from the screen where we were having a heated fight.

"Ha! Take that you loser!" I screamed victoriously when my character knocked him down after rounds of neck to neck competition.

"But..It- it's not possible. You cheated!" He groaned, throwing the controller to the sofa.

"Grow up, you big baby. Accept the fact that I- Alexia Costello- beat you for the third time in a row. Hattrick, boy. Bow down to your Queen." I exclaimed smugly before holding my open palm towards him as he placed a 10 pounds note on it with an ugly frown.

"I can't believe I just earned 30 pounds in just an hour. Man! I'm gonna be a millionaire soon if you're going to continue with this sorry ass of yours."  I grinned, pushing myself from the floor with a satisfied sigh.

"Where is Nordin by the way? I've not seen him for what..ages?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Must be on his way to meet Aarvin. I remember him telling me about meeting up with him after finishing some errands with the gang."

"I've not seen Aarvin since the last time he came to visit you. Man must be working his ass off to make up for the days spent refusing to move from your side. But seriously girl, you need to get him to come out of his office one of these days. He really needs to take a breather once in a while." Gwen stated, joining Kevin on the sofa, throwing a hand around his shoulder.

"Speaking of that, how was your lunch date with him? You didn't say anything about that." Kevin asked with a suggestive wiggle of his brows.

"You went on a date with him?" Gwen frowned, his overprotective- dad tendencies coming out in his features earning an exasperated look from all three of us.

"Kind of. It wasn't a date actually, taking into account the fact that I had to drag him out. He took us to this beautiful restaurant where the food was simply amazing! I tell you the man knows all the best food spots in London."

"And...?" Kevin leaned forward with a mischievous grin on seeing the blush that coated my cheeks on hearing his words.

"I know he is not a man who would end things with just a chocolate tart." He added with a playful smirk.

I deadpanned.

"What we did after that is none of your business, Kev. BUT to quench your curiosity….He definitely didn't end things with a chocolate cake. Actually, you can say it started with some chocolate cake." I winked.

I don't know how I got back here in one piece after leaving his office. All I could see was the raging fire of pure desire for me in his eyes as the feel of his fingers lingered on my skin.

It was nothing like any of the kisses we shared. His lips were not gentle but those kisses were not rough. His touches weren't soft but those strokes were not bruising either.

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