Chapter 23

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"We shall" I said knocking at the door.

After hearing a faint 'Come in' I opened the door and stepped inside.

Unlike the waiting room, the office was more rustic themed with a modern touch and was well-lighted. And of course, the wall at the opposite end of the office was indeed a glass wall with a spectacular view of the London city. The room was elegantly vast and spacious. But also had the organized mess of things here and there like on a small coffee table and the cushions of the couch.

In the middle of the room was a large table which was impeccably organized.

Behind the table sat a man in his mid twenties with his head bent downwards working on some papers infront of him. He wore a dark blue shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his jet black hair, which reached his mid-neck, from what I could see, was styled perfectly. I couldn't see his face since it was bent looking downwards. But it was obvious the man was deeply concentrated in his work that he didn't even register we had entered.

Seeing him Helen cleared her throat which made him look up from his work.

Once his eyes met mine, the perfectly shaped eyebrow arched slightly at the sight of me which suggested he was indeed surprised while I stood there like a complete dimwit with my eyes wide open and mouth agape.

What the hell is this idiot doing here?!

There, seated behind the table was the man who poured his entire bottle of cold water on me on an early morning without even a twinge of guilt or shame. And all because she refused to clean his shoes!!!

Recovering from his temporary shock -If we could even call that slight rise of eyebrow, a symbol of surprise that is- he gave us a curt nod. In return, I narrowed my eyes at him.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Helen giving me a questioning glance.

Well... What will I tell her? The creep sitting there is the same freaking son of a farting banana who drenched me in water AFTER making me lose my precious cup of coffee?!

Suddenly, the walls of the room echoed with her violent coughs making me turn my head towards her.

Sh*t! Did I say that out loud?

Sensing my question Helen nodded her head indicating that I did.

Wincing mentally at my raw show of stupidity, I slowly turned to look at him to see whether he had heard it or not. But whom am I kidding? His face  didn't show an ounce of anger or annoyance. His face was just like how I saw him the first time- blank.

Letting out a deep breath to ca-

Wait! Wait! Wait! If he is sitting in THAT chair does that mean he is the Anderson guy?

Of f**king course. He is!

Oh Heavens! Out of all the seven freaking billion people out there, why him?! Why o why?!

I let out a silent groan at my situation. Just seeing him sitting there looking... Uh.. looking... blank made my insides burn with frustration. For some reasons even unknown to me, his emotionless face was irking me to no end.

"With all due respect ladies, do you plan to stand there through out this whole meeting?" The deep rich voice inquired pulling me out of my trance.

"Oh! Sorry!" Helen smiled sheepishly pulling me along with her towards his table. Having asked to sit we sat in the chairs opposite to him, facing him. Not even once did I take my eyes off him.

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