Chapter 73

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A/N - Before we officially enter to this chapter, I want to tell you something. If this chapter get atleast 10 comments, I will give you a bonus chapter. A peek a boo of our Aarxia's early fights. 😉



"...down the stairs. I didn't see the ball coming until it collided with my face!"

I laughed, wiping the tears away as he finished explaining one of his usual experiences back in high school.

"I swear the ball loved you too much to stay away from you!" I shook my head at the memories.

"Yeah yeah. Laugh all you want. But don't forget it was because of me you passed your exams."

"Oh please! You were the cheapest tutor I could afford. One way or another I would've passed even if you didn't help me."

Chase's eyes widened as he placed a hand to his chest acting as if he was shot in the heart.

"You wound me baby!" He pouted before he ended up chuckling with me. "You haven't changed a bit, have you?" He asked playfully.

"I'll take it as a compliment." I grinned leaning back in the chair with crossed arms.

Everyone was currently gathered around a table in a restaurant to restore our energy after the hours of torture called shopping. Chase was more than happy to join us for lunch, as it has been years since we last saw each other on graduation.

"I can't get over how coincidentally we met. That too all the way here in London. I have to say, I am really surprised. I didn't have a clue it was our little Lessia who was getting married to my boss!" He said, making her smile.

"I'm not that little anymore, okay? I'm only an inch- or maybe two- away from being as tall as Lexi." She said, puffing her chest in pride.

"But the fact still remains that she barely reaches my shoulders." Ronald commented, making all of us laugh.

"Brother, don't tease her. It's not our problem that you have grown tall like a freaking ladder!" Natasha retorted, sharing a gleeful high five with Lessia.

"So Mr. Hauton, how long have you been working for Mr. Mcbain?"

A very stoic voice interrupted the moment of bliss, making it go silent.

"Almost a year, sir. I've always wanted to work with McBain and Co. It was like a dream come true." He said excitedly grinning ear to ear.

But the excitement on his face didn't even bring a tiny twitch in Aarvin's face as he regarded Chase with an unusual coldness.

His behavior was nothing less than surprising for me as he continued to act like a jerk from the moment we left the mall. He was more reserved and quiet throughout lunch and the only time he opened his mouth was for asking Chase a question.

If I didn't know him better, I would have missed the tense lines near his brows as he continued talking.

"So I reckon you don't have much experience to show for." The subtle jibe made Chase's grin falter.

"I-I don't understand what you're implying sir."

"What I am getting at is, the other day Ronald mentioned a few names as promising prospects for the lead team in our project that is getting started at the end of this year. I remember your name. But I don't think you are cut out for that. I require more expertise and talent in my team."

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