Chapter 20

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I stepped into our home with a grumpy face, water still dripping down my hair.

"Woah!! What’s with that face, huh?”

Came the irritating voice of Kevin who was sitting on the couch watching T.V with his legs propped upon the coffee table infront of him.

Hearing him, Gwen too turned his attention towards me, continuously chewing popcorn and making the irritating crunching noise.

Is he doing that intentionally to irritate me? Why the hell is he chewing like that? Do I look like a bloody joker? And why is Kevin still looking at me like that?! Is he secretly laughing at me?!

" Hey guys, d- Lex? Why are you standing there? God ! What happened to you?! Why are you all wet?" Helen asked joining the party of audience.

I mentally rolled my eyes at her concern. Probably fake.

Save it. I don't need your pity. I can feel the mockery laced in your words. They think I'm too deaf to hear that..huh?

I looked around to see three pairs of eyes looking at me with concern in their eyes.

It was then I noticed that I was scowling at them.

Oh..god! What the fuck am I thinking? I think that arrogant asshole ruined my day.

Haven't you ever felt like that when you are in a foul mood, everything and everyone around you are trying to get on your nerves even more? Even though, actually they did absolutely nothing at all? Yes, It is exactly what I'm feeling now.

I let out a deep sigh and plopped down on the couch with a 'thud'.

"Here, take it" Gwen said extending a towel towards me. I took it from his hold and dried my hair vigorously with a scowl still etched on my face.

"What happened Lex? You look like you're ready to kill someone." Kevin said from his seat.

"That bloody idiot poured all his water on me!”

I said through gritted teeth.

The nerve! How dare he pour his water over me?! Who does he think he is? He don't know me. If he come infront of me again, I will show him who I am. He will beg on his knees asking forgiveness for his actions. That arrogant ass!!!

That thought made an evil smirk appear on my face. But that didn't last long. I don't know why. But the mere thought of his blank face irked me to no end. His audacity!

"Earth to Lex." Helen waved a hand infront of my face waking me up from my thoughts.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Gwen asked earning a glare from me which instantly made him shut his mouth.

"So…You didn't tell us who poured water on you?" Helen stated, more like a question.

"That idiot. Prick! That arrogant freaking son of a farting banana." I grumbled

Soon the walls of our house echoed in a booming laughter and we all looked at Kevin to see him laughing like crazy holding his stomach.

"God.. W-when did b-bananas started to fart?" He asked in between his laughs.

"It didn't. But it will. When you start using your brain instead of the tiny bean inserted in your head." I sneered  not liking his laugh a tiny bit.

When he zipped his mouth shut hearing my answer, I started to tell them what happened.

After hearing the whole incident, what I expected from them was some words of consolations or maybe even anger. But to nobody’s surprise, what I got was nothing but amused looks and laughter.

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