Chapter 63

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I know I should give him some space and that was what I was doing now.

It's been two days since I last saw him.

No calls, No texts. Nothing.

"And you can't be the one?"


His answer was simple.

And it was enough for me to know he wouldn't be the one to catch me if I fall.

I sighed.

Tying my hair into a messy ponytail, I grabbed my jacket and keys before striding downstairs after a last glance at the mirror.

"Ready?" Kevin asked from where they were sitting around the table, when he saw me walking towards them. I nodded letting out a breath.

"It's okay to be nervous. But don't let it affect your performance. A single wrong move and we are doomed." Nordin stated taking a long sip from his morning coffee. Even though his voice was calm and quiet, his eyes held the graveness of the situation as they peeked at me over the rim of the cup.

"Or do you want me to give you another one of my motivational speeches? To improve your skills?" 

"And end up banging my best friend?" I asked grimly, thinking back to his motivation class yesterday.

Trust me, it didn't end well.

Well....not for me, at least.

He laughed.

"You can't blame me. Your friend is so damn tempting. I can't resist those eyes even if I tried."

"Noah! Shut up!" Helen exclaimed as her cheeks reddened making us laugh.

"Sounds like someone is shy." Gwen cooed making her groan.

"Baby...don't tease her." Kevin scolded his boyfriend coming to her aid.

"Just act like we didn't hear the moans and creeks of the bed, and of course, the frightened kittens who ran to us hearing the occasional screaming for 'Noah' wh- oww..!!" He chuckled when a pillow made contact with his face.

"Say one more word and you're fucking dead!" She hissed shrinking more into Nordin, who already had his arms wrapped around her to hide the redness of her face which only made us laugh more.

Chuckling, I tore my gaze from them, ignoring the pang in my heart seeing the laughing couples.

It's crazy how the happy moments of your life turn bitter and bitter as time goes on.

Looking back at all the memories we made with each other, they were mostly frowns and scowls.

I can't pin point when or where all of that turned into something more. Something beautiful and warm.

Now when it's all over, I find myself missing his expressive blank stares and secret smiles which he tried so hard not to show in my presence. But failed happily to himself almost always.

All those irritated twitching of his eyes and redness of the ears....all because of me.

But now...

I didn't know what to do anymore.

But I knew, the truth was, there is nothing left for me to do.

Looking up, I met Kevin's soft gaze staring at me with a sad but understanding smile. Giving him a smile to show him I was alright, I averted my eyes and focused on the patterned floor.

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