Chapter 28

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 "Th-that was amazing!" Kevin exclaimed wiping the tears from his eyes after laughing his ass off.

"When did you record it?" I asked Helen while munching on my sandwich which was made by Gwen, and let me say- it is delicious!

He is a natural at cooking. Lucky us!

"I was recording it all along. I didn't want the guys to miss the chance to see Ms. Prim and Proper adorned in her 'saucy' glory" Helen snickered.

"It was indeed entertaining" Gwen chuckled remembering the video.

They certainly had enjoyed it. After seeing the video of Anastasia humiliating herself by her 'seduction steps', Kevin was laughing like a maniac.

Unfortunately for her, Helen had recorded the entire dinner incident.

We weren't able to report the details of the amazing dinner visit to them yesterday. After reaching home, I was worn out by all the drama and went straight to bed and was out like light in seconds.

"So what are the plans for her?" Kevin asked after the amusement wore off.

"Leave it to me. I know what to do with her"

"And that is?" I asked hearing her cryptic reply.

"Discrimination against LGBTQA people" Helen said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. We all leaned towards her in attention.

"As she is a popular established Instagram model, she has a huge number of followers who admire and support her each and every idea and belief. So what happens when she posts in support of the LGBT community?" Helen asked tilting her head slightly to a side with an impish smile.

Of course, her fans will surely tag along with her idea. And then comes the real trick...what will happen when they find out that the great Winx family had disowned their only heir because of his sexuality? Because he is gay? It is more than enough for an outrageous reaction against the Winx. Love is love. Get that right!

"Did I ever tell you that you're amazing?" Gwen exclaimed with a proud smile on his face.

Before Helen could answer him, Kevin attacked her with a hug.

"Woah! Easy there guy" I said chuckling.

Helen wrapped her hands around him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you guys." Kevin muttered looking down.

"Hey Hey...Is my baby going to cry?" Gwen cooed pulling him to his lap.

Kevin nudged him in the ribs playfully and looked at us

"I don't know what I would do without you guys" He whispered wiping his tears using his sleeves.

"I know Kev, I know... We are the best and me-the bestest. " I tsked letting out a sigh and wrapping my hand around Helen's shoulder.

"That is not what you're supposed to say! You should have said something like 'No, Kevin it's not like that. You are strong and brave. You are our strength' or something like that. Definitely not that!" Kevin complained pouting his lips.

"What can I do? You know I am-"

"Egoistic? cocky? arrogant? narcissistic-" Kevin stopped himself and raised his hand in mock surrender after I threw him a glare.

Sitting straight in the couch, I placed Leo on my lap and stroked my hand through his soft fur. Tearing a small piece of my sandwich I put it on my other hand to feed him.

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