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I showed up to this town fair with my gaint and the rest of the guys. and within a blink of an eye I lost him. So I went looking for him but couldn't find him. there was so many people its like the whole damn town of Charming just decided to swarm the place.

I was about to give up when I was lifted up from behind making me yelp. I felt and arm nudge my leg before I was placed on my giant's shoulder

my fright turned into amusement as I played with his hair tugging if from his bun.

"sorry for scaring you." he says

I leaned down and kissed the top of his head.

"it's ok" I assured him

I fanned his hair out on my legs as he carried me through the fair.

"Well looks like you find short stack" Jax commented

I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"It wasn't hard to spot this beautiful woman" Opie says

"Awe" Tig makes a mockery sound

"I'll kick your ass trager" Opie says

"I just found it cute" Tig says

"yea cause you know she's short and you're like a mammoth compared to her" Jax says

"Don't you all wish you had a short girlfriend who you could carry like this with no issue and who can curl right up on your chest like your a big teddy bear in order to feel safe and sleep peacefully" I commented

"fuck yes we do but your the only short person in town who wanted this beared ape" TIg says

Opie shoved Tig away.

"you had your shot you blew it so I took mine and well you see the outcome" Opie says proudly.

"yea and you let me know everyday with this little lady" Tig says

"she's my old lady. of course I'm showing her off."

"alright where are we going to now?" Jax asked switching the subject

"Wanna go to the farris wheel?" Opie asked

"its better at night" I replied 

"Oh you two are gonna makeme hurl" Jax says as he made a face

"Oh poor Jackie whackie" I say making Opie and tig bust out laughing while Jax just looks at me

"Jackie whackie?" he asked

"you called me short stack. so your Jackie whackie" I replied

"just pick somewhere to go before I have a clown show up to scare your ass" he says

"that's fucked up man" Tig says

I went quiet as I bent my head so my hair cascaded a wall covering my face as I laid on opies head.

"Ouch what the fuck Opie," Jax says

"you asshole you made her cry," Opie says

"Please take me home Opie" I begged

lifted my head long enough to wipe my eyes seeing Opie shake his head at his best friend/ brother before he walked off ignoring Jax's shitty apology.

Opie helped me down from his shoulder when we got to his truck.

After we both climbed in Opie pulled me into his arms and comforted me.

"I would've knocked his ass out of he tried. and I would Have punched the clown" he tells me

I say nothing just climb into Opie's lap and lay my head on his shoulder getting comfy as he holds me.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now