May I have this dance? (Stickvin)

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A/N: I decided to do a one-shot book of Henry Stickmin! Why? Cause I thought I try my hand at these.
Btw: This piece takes place after the Triple Threat Ending.

Charles, Henry, and Ellie were just finishing reporting to the General about their findings about the Toppats when Captain Victoria came in with more information about the Toppat clan.

The General dismissed the trio and they went out of the tent, "Man, I wish we could just stop the Toppat clan already." whined Charles.

"Yeah," added Ellie. "It's getting kinda annoying to stop them."

"Yeah, what do you think Henry?"

Charles and Ellie turned to Henry who was being quiet. He looked at them with a small smile, "They are annoying."  replied Henry.

Charles nodded and he stared at Henry for a moment, he knew Henry doesn't talk much and was quieter than him and Ellie. Charles learned that he has selective mutism, in which Henry doesn't talk much but uses sign language to communicate.

Charles did hear Henry talk...once but it wasn't technically talking, he was laughing at a joke that Charles made. Charles was surprised at his laughing but he loved his laugh, he thought it was the most beautiful sound he ever heard. Which made him blush red when he thought about it, you could say Charles has a crush on Henry.

Charles never expected to fall in love with the former thief, he just did. Henry is a decent guy and pretty nice. Charles thought he had no care in the world besides money but he was proven wrong when Henry helped the Government steal some evidence from The Toppat clan to take them down.

He was pardoned and decided to join them to stop the Toppat Clan and he befriended Charles. They quickly became close friends as of result, they hung out and went on missions together, they play pranks on each other, etc. Charles noticed Henry was withdrawn, and recluse until he brought him outta his shell.

However, things became tense when Henry suddenly disappeared. No one knew where he had gone, not even the General knew. Charles was worried sick about him and he searched everywhere for him but had no luck. He was to give up when he got a call from nowhere on his headphones, it was Henry calling from The Wall. He picked him and someone else on his helicopter. 

Henry explained to Charles that he was captured by The Wall for his crimes even though he was pardoned by the Government. He escaped along with a new friend, her name was Ellie Rose. She was at the Wall too until she escaped with Henry. Charles took both of them to the General to report what happened to Henry.

The General was surprised and he got Henry's report and Ellie's too. She was pardoned by the Government and she joined Henry and Charles, making them the Triple Threat.

"Um...hello Charles?" said Ellie, snapping her fingers in front of Charles.

Charles blinked and shook his head, he turned to Ellie and Henry who were looking at him in annoyance and worry. He must have spaced out, he frowned at them and furrowed his brow.

"What?" asked Charles. "Did you say something?"

"Yeah," replied Henry, his expression worried. "We were talking to you but you weren't listening."

Charles' face became red with embarrassment, "Sorry guys, I just got distracted ." he admitted, sheepishly. He was rubbing his head awkwardly and he bowed his head down in shame.

"With what?" asked Ellie.

"Yeah, what?" added Henry.

Charles looked up at them, his face still red. He's not gonna tell them about his feelings for Henry, especially Henry. He's not ready yet, he doesn't want to go through rejection. Ellie and Henry were still staring at him, waiting for an answer. 

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