Rosevin week 2023 Day 5: Dancing

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I decided to participate in the ships week by and I wanted to write a Charles x Ellie fic. I think I prefer this couple than Rosemin.

Charles was nervous.

Which was weird.

Charles was never nervous. The last time he remembered he was worried was when he first got into the military to make his dead parents proud.

But now...

He was nervous as hell.

Why you may ask?

He wanted to ask Ellie Rose out and he didn't know how.

Charles was shaking with anxiety while being with Henry and Rupert. Rupert and Henry were talking or more like flirting. Charles knew these two were together and so did everyone else. However, these two dumbasses think no one knows about them. Charles kept watching them as someone came over to them. Ellie came over to them and Charles's face became red as her hair and he felt his heart beating faster.

"Hey, guys," Ellie said happily, Henry and Rupert waved hi at her while Charles was having an Ellie attack. Ellie turned to Charles who jumped a little, Ellie saw he was trembling and she smirked.

"Hello, Charles," Ellie said, her tone sounding different like it was seductive.

Charles immediately felt chills running through his spine and his face became redder in the process. He avoided his eyes at Ellie, "Um... uh... hi... Ellie,"

Ellie giggled as she felt her face warm, she loved Charles's flustered state and that's why she enjoyed teasing him. And that's because she has a crush on him too. Of course, she doesn't know Charles has feelings for her. They don't realize they have feelings for each other but think they don't have a chance.

Rupert and Henry stared at them. Henry shook his head while Rupert a hand to his face in annoyance, they were tired of seeing them fumble around their feelings for each other.

Charles glanced at Ellie as he heard snickering coming from Henry and Rupert. He mentally growled, he mentally took in a deep breath and stared at Ellie. Charles didn't know what to say. Usually, he's good at starting conversations and making small talk but now, he's having trouble speaking. 

Ellie kept staring at Charles, noticing Charles was not talking to her which made her frown. She also was admiring how cute Charles looked when flustered. That's one of the things she loved about Charles, besides his commitment to slam his helicopters into buildings, costing the Government millions of dollars. However, it's neither here nor there.

Rupert and Henry quietly left Charles alone with Ellie. 

"Hey, Ellie," Charles started, making Ellie look at him.

"I was wondering..." Charles avoided meeting Ellie's eyes, he rubbed his head awkwardly, "Would you... would you..."

Charles wanted to ask Ellie out but he's having trouble. But... if he doesn't ask Ellie out, someone else will make a move on Ellie and he will miss his chance forever. Then Charles felt a burst of confidence and glanced at Ellie. Ellie saw Charles had a determined look on his face and she knew that face. She always saw that face when he was either in serious mode or when he was about to launch his helicopter into a building.

"Wouldyouliketogoout-Imeanhangoutwithme!" Charles exclaimed, talking rapidly. Ellie almost missed what Charles was saying since he was speaking quickly, she stared at Charles whose face was like a tomato and he was sweating like crazy. 

"Um...what?" Ellie asked in confusion.

Charles cleared his throat as he looked down, "Would you like to go out with me?"

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