Day 2: Hurt/Comfort; Stickvin Week 2021

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A/N: Yay, I can try my hand at this! Also, I have been itching to write Stickvin considering I wrote 3 StickPrice oneshots and one Stickvin one shot.

Henry woke up in a sweat, he was breathing heavily and his eyes were shimmering. He had a nightmare about Charles dying, he was shivering and rubbed his arms to try to warm himself.


Henry turned to Charles, who sat up and was awake. He looked at Henry in worry, he was sleeping peacefully when he heard Henry rustling and moving around. Henry signed that he was okay and he should go back to bed, Charles was not having it. He grabbed Henry gently to pull him into a hug, Henry blushed as he felt Charles' body heat. 

"What's wrong?" asked Charles softly. He stroked Henry's hair and back to soothe him.

Henry felt safe and warm, he pondered if he should tell Charles about the nightmare he just had. But he didn't want to burden his boyfriend with his troubles even though Charles is very supportive of him. He sighed sadly and covered his face onto Charles' chest, Charles was worried for Henry.

"Henry?" repeated Charles sadly.

"Yeah?" replied Henry.

"What's wrong? Please tell me." 

"I just had a nightmare."



"Henry, it's nothing," said Charles firmly. "The nightmare made you woke up."

Henry glanced up at Charles, he was scared to tell him. "I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell you," he whispered. 

Charles exhaled a sharp breath, he wanted to help Henry but he didn't want to push him into telling him. Charles nodded and he lay back down bringing Henry to lie next to him, Charles wrapped his arms around Henry's body and closed his eyes. Henry also closed his eyes too, he didn't have any nightmares for the rest of the night.

The next day, Charles and Henry headed to the base to meet with Rupert and Ellie, they were waiting for them at the cafeteria. The duo headed over to them and they all went inside, they got breakfast and sat down at a table. Charles, Rupert, and Ellie were mostly talking while Henry stayed quiet. 

Ellie and Charles were talking about doing some training when Rupert saw Henry stopped eating, he noticed Henry was also quiet. Rupert knew he wasn't a big talker when he first encountered Henry and the second time but after meeting Charles, he was brought out of his shell. Rupert got a piece of paper and a pen to write something, after he was done writing, he slide it to Henry.

Henry read the note curiously, it said "Are ya okay?"

Henry grabbed the pen Rupert used to reply to him, "Yeah. Why?" he wrote.

Rupert didn't buy Henry's answer, he was about to question Henry some more when Charles was done eating. Charles was about to go and grab Henry but saw that Henry looked...sad, Charles immediately hugged him. He gently grabbed Henry and said bye to everyone, they both headed to a clearing and found two rocks to sit on.

"Henry?" asked Charles, softly and gently. "Please tell me what's wrong?"

Henry trembled for a bit and he wanted to cry, "I still can't tell you."  Henry signed, still trembling.

"Why not?"

"It's...too hard to tell you."

Charles hugged him gently, he kissed him on the forehead. "But I'm worried about you, Henry," he said, sadly.

Henry couldn't hold it in anymore, he started sobbing. He buried his head in Charles' chest, and Charles hugged him tighter while he whispered soothing and comforting words to him. Henry still kept crying but eventually ceased his sobbing, he wiped his eyes and saw Charles' sad expression on his face.

"I'm sorry for crying." apologized Henry.

"You don't have to apologize," replied Charles. "I'm here for you." 


"By the way, what's the nightmare you just had last night?"

"You're not gonna drop that, are you?"

"Nope," said Charles, firmly.

Henry sighed and shook his head, he knew Charles can be stubborn at times, which is one reason why he loves Charles. Charles is such a good boyfriend to him, when he first met Charles, he didn't think the pilot will like him. But he did, after he was pardoned from the Government he joined Charles. And later, so did Ellie. 

Charles and Henry had developed feelings for each other when they started hanging out, they wanted to confess but were too chicken to say something. It wasn't until Charles decided to blurt it out one day into a mission that Henry was surprised but confessed to. After that fiasco, they officially dating, and not too long after that, they moved in together. 

"Okay, I will tell you," said Henry.

Charles glanced at him and said, "Take your time."

"The nightmare was about you," said Henry, anxious.

"Me?" said Charles. Why him?

"Yes, we were on a mission to stop the Toppats." he continued. "They were inside an orbital spaceship and we went inside it."

Charles was listening and digesting the information that Henry was telling him, he also noticed Henry was shaking again. He grabbed Henry's hand to hold it, he rubbed his hand gently making him feel safe.

"You did one of your greatest plans and smashed your spaceship into the Toppats. And we had like moments to escape cause the orbital was about to explode."


"However, we got to their escape pods and got into one."

"And then what happened?"

"We were about to get settled when..." 

"When what?"

Henry didn't answer, he bowed his head down. Charles gently squeezed Henry's hand to encourage him to continue, "A random Toppat came in and tried to get us out, and you were the one to stop him."

Henry exhaled a shaky breath and he was struggling to say the next words to Charles, "You closed the air pod door, the airpod started up, and you were still in the orbital ship." he wavered slightly. 

"There were no other pods and you were talking to me and...the ship exploded, killing you in the process, " Henry said, emotionless.

Charles blinked for a moment and stared at Henry in shock, he died? He was killed in an explosion? No wonder Henry was sad, he cannot imagine that kind of pain. He heard a whimpering around, he glanced at Henry who was beginning to sob but he grabbed Henry into a hug again. 

"Shhh." soothed Charles softly and gently. "I'm here, I'm not leaving you, and I will always be here."

Henry kept sobbing while Charles comforted him, Charles kept hugging him. After a moment, Henry stopped sobbing. He glanced up at Charles and kissed him, Charles was surprised at first but kissed him back. Charles wrapped his arms around Henry's waist while Henry put his hand on Charles' cheek and the other on his shoulders.

They kissed for a while but stopped to breathe, they leaned their foreheads and smiled. 

"I will always be here," whispered Charles reassuringly. "I will never leave you."

Henry nodded as he sighed happily, he leaned his against Charles' chest to hear his heartbeat.

He has nothing to worry about.

A/N: This is for @Blue_sticklady Stickvin Week 2021. I'm happy to do these, I love Stickvin.

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