Who's Better In Bed? (StickPrice and Calvin)

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A/N: I had this idea in my head for a while now and I wanted to write something funny. This takes place after Foolish.

Rupert was not insecure. Well...that's what he tell himself, he keeps telling himself he's a normal person. But he knew that was BS, he was not a normal person. Then again, who is normal these days?

Rupert and Henry were watching a movie at Henry's apartment. The movie they were watching was thriller/ horror, they had a bowl full of chips as a snack. Rupert had his arm wrapped around Henry's waist while Henry was leaning against him. While Henry was watching the movie, Rupert's mind was elsewhere, he was thinking about Calvin. Why? Even though he and Calvin made up, there was still awkward tension between them. Also there was something bothering Rupert that he couldn't go of.

Who's better in bed? He or Calvin?

Now I know what you are thinking, why would Rupert be thinking about that? Rupert is not exactly an insecure person but he's not confident either, he still didn't like the fact Calvin slept with Henry. Calvin of course, apologized but Rupert still wasn't over it. Yes, he's acting petty but he can't help himself. Even though Henry forgave him for breaking his heart, he stills feel immense guilt for hurting Henry.

Henry noticed Rupert was distracted, he pause the movie as he glanced at Rupert. "What's wrong, Thorn?" he asked gently.

Rupert blushed when he heard Henry's nickname for him, he gave him the nickname a couple of weeks ago. Rupert glanced at Henry who stared at him in worry, "Nothing, Hen." he replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Ya, I'm sure."

Henry didn't look convinced but he respect Rupert's privacy by dropping the subject, they spent the rest of the night watching the movie but Rupert didn't pay much attention to the movie. Later that night, Henry was sleeping peacefully but Rupert was not. He was staring up at the ceiling, the ceiling wasn't interesting but to him it was. He sighed as he couldn't sleep so he got up quietly and went to the bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror while he was thinking about Calvin and Henry.

Rupert's POV

I groan in frustration as I kept staring at the mirror, why am I still thinking about how Calvin and Henry fucked?!

I mean, it's none of my business! But...

The only reason Henry slept with Calvin cause I broke his heart...

Yes... I still feel guilty for hurting him even though I apologized and he forgave me.

I sigh as I left the bathroom and headed back to bed, I lay back down. I stared at the ceiling as I felt Henry shifted close to me, I glanced at him as he snuggled into my chest. I blushed while I hug him, I was never a big hugger but for Henry, he's an exception. And he loves my body heat. I hugged him back as I closed my eyes but I quickly open them again when I thought of another candidate on who's better in bed...

Spike, Henry's ex...

Gosh damn it!

No one's POV

The next morning, Henry woke up before Rupert did. Henry went to take a shower and eat cereal. Rupert has been trying to get Henry to eat more since he's pretty underweight, he also shouldn't be eating any sugary stuff but he couldn't help himself, the cereal is just so good. Henry was just finishing up eating when he heard Rupert getting up and heading to shower. After a few minutes later, Rupert came over to Henry. Rupert kissed him on the forehead and went to go eat some cereal, much to Henry's surprise.

After they have eaten breakfast, they headed out to the base. While they were walking to the base, Rupert had his head bowed down. Henry noticed this and he asked him what's wrong. Rupert glanced up at Henry and smiled at him, he replied yes to him. Henry didn't look convinced but respected Rupert's privacy, they arrived at the base. 

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