Rekindled (Stickprice) Part 1

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A/N: Will I ever stop making angst with this ship? Nope. This ship is full of angst, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. But in the end, it's all fluff. 

Rupert and Henry were in a relationship but it was not healthy, they have their ups and downs. However, Rupert being an asshole and so was Henry, had a huge fight that caused Henry to leave Rupert. Rupert regrets his behavior but it was too late, and Henry cut all contact with him. Rupert never thought he would see Henry again until The Government recruited him...

Rupert sighed as he watched Henry laugh at Charles' joke, he never thought he would see Henry again but the Government recruited him to take down the Toppat Clan. He helped them gather evidence and he got pardoned as result, he joined the Government soon after that. However, Rupert noticed that Henry was avoiding him. When he first saw Henry, Henry looked at the General but not at him.

Not that Rupert blamed him for avoiding him, the last time they saw each other, it was messy. Before Rupert joined the Government, he was a police officer chasing criminals like Henry. Henry was the bane of his existence until one day, he slept with him. Why? Rupert didn't know but he needed to get laid. Rupert fucked Henry in a private room and after that, they started dating. Of course, they had to date in secret. It bothered Henry for a while but got used to it, at least that's what he thought.

It surprised Rupert that he had fallen in love with Henry but you can't control who you fall in love with. It was hard keeping the relationship a secret but it was worth it for a while, Henry would steal something and let himself get captured by Rupert.  Rupert would "punish" him by giving him a really good fucking, then Rupert would let him go.

They also went on dates secretly but Rupert was getting anxious and that's when the fights started. Every couple has their fights but Rupert and Henry fought a lot, Rupert will verbally and emotionally abuse Henry. Henry would fight back by using his words, they would shout until they had nothing to say. But, Rupert had enough of Henry and wanted him to leave so he said something that he'll regret later.


There was a heavy silence after Rupert shouted, Rupert was panting heavily but quickly made an "Oh no" look when he saw Henry's face. Henry looked devastated, he was trembling, his eyes started to shimmer, and he hugged himself. Before Rupert can apologize, Henry quickly bailed without another word. After Henry left, Rupert growled in frustration and punched a wall in anger and sadness.

After the huge fight, Rupert was a mess. He spend the rest of the night, sobbing and drinking until he passed out. Henry stopped committing crimes after the fight, he just disappeared until the Government found him. 

Rupert sighed again as Henry giggled at Charles' jokes again, he tried talking to Henry about what happened but he refused to talk to him. Rupert figured that Henry was still mad at him, Rupert did say some things to him...that he will regret for the rest of his life. Rupert shook his head and headed off to do some training to keep his mind off Henry. 

He walked slowly to the training room while putting his hands in his pockets, he hates feeling like this. Despite what he has done, he still has feelings for Henry. He knows Henry's not a thief anymore, he's not sure Henry would take him back if he decided to win back. But...Rupert wants him back, he hadn't dated anyone since Henry left him. 

He got into the training room and someone was already in there, Victoria Grit was shooting targets when she saw Rupert walk in. She stopped her training and set her gun down, she went over to him. 

"Hey, Rupert," said Victoria happily.

"Hi, Victoria," replied Rupert, frowning. 

Victoria noticed Rupert's frown, "What's wrong?" she asked gently.

"It's nothing."

"It doesn't sound like it's nothing."


"You've been acting like you lost someone important ever since you joined us."

Rupert's eyes widened when she said that, she couldn't be more closer to the truth. He sighed sadly as he got out his gun to do some training, Victoria studied Rupert for a moment before she went to training. When she first met him, he was quiet and aloof. He didn't talk to anyone but to the General and Charles, it got worse when Henry joined them.

Wait... was Rupert and Henry...? Victoria shook her head at that thought, she knew Henry was a thief and Rupert was a cop. Rupert despises criminals, so he wouldn't date one. Unless...

Meanwhile, with Henry, he was laughing at Charles' jokes. He also sensed someone was watching him, he knew it was Rupert who was just watching him. Henry has been avoiding Rupert ever since he joined the Government, he was still upset at Rupert because of their bad breakup. He still had bad memories and he doesn't want to relive that time.

Charles was laughing but stopped when he saw Henry stop giggling at his jokes, "Hey, Hen?" he asked softly. "Are you okay?"

Henry glanced at Charles, "Yeah...I'm fine." he replied.

"Are you sure? You don't look fine."

"Yes, don't worry about it, Charles."


Charles was worried for Henry, there was something wrong with him. Charles made a mental note to help Henry no matter what, Charles went back to making jokes while Henry still laughed but it reach his eyes. 

Rupert left the training room and went back to his tent, Victoria asked him again if he was alright, he lied and said yes. He hated lying to Victoria but he doesn't want to tell her about Henry, he was not ready for that yet. He groaned in sadness while he kept walking to his tent, he misses Henry. He wants to apologize to Henry but Henry won't listen, he exhaled a sharp breath. 

As soon as he got into his tent, he sat on his bed and put his hands on his face. He then pulled out his phone to scroll through it, he scrolled through his pictures of friends, family, and co-workers. However, he stopped at one particular picture. It was him and Henry, on a date. It was not just any date, he gave Henry a very special gift. He gave him a choker with a blue sapphire in the middle and a pocket knife.

Henry was so happy that day and so was Rupert, Rupert closed his phone and set his phone down. He started to tremble while his eyes brimmed with tears, and he began sobbing quietly. He screwed up so badly...he wants Henry back.

He wants Henry back so bad...but how?

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