Secrets and Lies ( Calvin x Henry with StickPrice) Part 1

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A/N: Calvin and Henry are in a sexual relationship and don't have feelings for each other. This was inspired by another fanfic that was from another fandom I had read a while ago, it will be like Foolish but little could I put this...well Rupert has anger issues so yeah.

There were moans through scatter through the air in Henry's apartment, two figures were enjoying each other's presence. Henry moaned as Calvin gave him kisses from his neck to his stomach, Henry put his hands through Calvin's orange, silky hair. Calvin gave him hickies and bite marks while Henry was enjoying the pleasure that he was given at the moment.

The window curtains were open, letting a gleam of moonlight on the lovers. Henry closed his eyes as his lover continued to love gently, in a way that made Henry feel alive and almost falling in love with him.


"Calvin..." Henry breathed, causing the orange hair to stop what he was doing and smirked, his emerald green eyes glowing. Henry had wished they a different pair of eyes, wished that what was going on was with another person.

But he knew it was a fantasy...a dream.

"Relax." said Calvin, softly. "I'm gonna love you so hard."

Henry smiled slightly but soon felt a feeling of sadness, he frowned as Calvin looked at him. Calvin saw that he was thinking about him again, he knew Henry has feelings for Rupert and he was the only one who knew that. Not even Charles and Ellie knew, which was weird cause they are Henry's best friends. 

Calvin lifted Henry's chin to get him to look up at him, "Hey, don't think about him." he whispered, softly.

"I know but it hurts."  signed Henry, sadly.

"I know it does but don't think about it, not now. So let's enjoy this with each other. Please. I want to make you-us-feel good."


Henry spread his legs opened while Calvin went between them, Henry kissed Calvin's neck making moan in the process. Calvin licked Henry's neck while touching him, Henry moaned again as he was being touched by Calvin. He looked up at Calvin, whose eyes were glazed with lust.

Not love.

"Give it to me, Cal. Make me scream louder than ever before." teased Henry.

Calvin growled and narrowed his eyes, "You're going to regret saying that." he said as he got out a bottle of lube.

He put some lube on one of fingers while Henry watched him in arousal, he then put one finger into Henry's hole. Henry hissed at the intrusion and the pain, Calvin let Henry get adjusted for several minutes until he started scissoring him. Henry gasped while he threw his head back in pleasure, his eyes rolled in the back of his head. Calvin kept scissoring him as he added more fingers, then he pulled out his fingers and pour some more lube on his cock.

Calvin slowly put his tip in Henry's entrance, slowly he put his cock in while Henry hissed again but in pleasure. Calvin was finally inside Henry and they both moaned in the process. Calvin waited for Henry to get adjusted cause of the girth of Calvin's cock, then Henry whispered to him to move which he did. Henry moaned in ecstasy and pleasure as Calvin kept thrusting, Calvin went deeper making Henry moan higher. It felt so damn good, it was so good that it almost made Henry forget the reason why they were doing this. 

Forget his unrequited love.

Fuck everything, just feel.

With a low moan, Calvin came and so did Henry. They both panted and were sweaty, "More..." breathed Henry, contently. 

Calvin chuckled slightly, "We got all night, Henry." he replied, happily. He was starting to get horny again, Henry grinned at him. 

He knew Calvin wouldn't let him down, unlike certain black, spiky hair guy. But, despite their tight "bond". This wasn't a real romance, a real relationship...this wasn't love.

The next morning, Henry walked to the cafeteria as he yawned. His eyes were shadowed, his hair was messy cause he didn't had time to brush it, and he felt super tired. He got to the cafeteria and saw there was a few soldiers there, they were already eating breakfast. Henry searched around but didn't see any of his friends but he did one person that he didn't want to see now, he saw Rupert Price eating a donut. 

Henry sighed heavily as he sat down at the table that Rupert was sitting on, he put his head down on the table and crossed his arms around it. He wasn't hungry or anything...just tired, he was so tired that he didn't hear someone sat down next to him. Henry lifted up his head and gasped when he saw Rupert staring at him, Henry raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. 

"What?" asked Henry, tiredly. 

"Yer should get coffee to help stay awake." replied Rupert.


"Yer tired, right?"

"Yeah, and why do you care?"


They both stayed quiet after Rupert answered, Henry was feeling butterflies in his stomach cause of Rupert sitting so close to him. He wasn't looking at him cause he didn't want to make eye contact, Rupert noticed Henry wasn't looking at him but before he can asked him what's wrong, more people came in. Dave, Johnny, Charles, Victoria, Konrad, and Ellie walked in to get breakfast. 

Rupert smiled at Dave while Henry quickly bowed his head, he felt a boil of hostility brewing in the pit of his stomach. He started to trembled a little, Rupert also noticed this. Everyone sat down and ate their food while Henry ignored everyone, Charles saw that his buddy was looking tired so he asked him what's wrong. Henry replied that he stayed up all night, everyone stared at him in confusion.

Henry put his hood up to hide his face cause he was asked why, he didn't want to tell them about his nightly activities, and's not none of their damn business. They were still staring at him until Ellie noticed someone was missing, "Hey, Kon?" she asked. "Where's your brother?"

"I don't know, the last time I checked he was still asleep." Konrad replied.

As if on cue, Calvin walked in. His eyes were also shadowed and his hair was messy, he came and sat next to his brother. He then put his head down and fell asleep, Konrad shook his brother awake but no avail. Everyone else also tried but nope, still asleep. Then Rupert smirked as he got up and walked over to him, he raised his hand and he slapped him in the head. "Look alive, Calvin!" Rupert exclaimed, happily. 

Calvin jumped from Rupert's slap and he grumbled at him while he was rubbing his head, "What the hell, Rupert?" grumbled Calvin, angrily. 

Rupert smirked, "Hey, you were asleep and we were trying wake you up."

"Yup." added Ellie. "So Thorn here, had to wake you up and it worked."

Rupert blushed at the nickname while Henry giggled at Calvin's and Rupert's reaction, "'ve been up all night too?" questioned Rupert, suspiciously.  

Calvin nodded as he remembered last night's events, he blushed a bright red. "Weird." said Ellie. "Cause Henry was up all night, too." 

Everyone turned to Henry who was still hiding his face, Henry was blushing but no could see his face. He decided to shrugged his shoulders, hoping they will take the answer. "What's going on?" asked Charles, obliviously.

Henry quickly got up and ran out the building, everyone tried to call him back but he didn't listen. 

"Ok...what's wrong with him?" questioned Victoria, slowly.

Everyone didn't know but Calvin knew. 

A/N: Rupert has feelings for Henry but he thinks Henry won't go for him, Calvin and Henry are using each other. 

Btw, I got the nickname Thorn from She's the one to came up with the nickname, go check her out her art cause she's amazing! Also, the way she draws Rupert...I love very much...cause she draws him hot...

Yeah...I'll leave now. 

Psst: She also has a twitter. 

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