Secrets and Lies (Calmin and StickPrice)Part 2

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Me: I need to stop putting Henry and Rupert into these type of situations

Also me: More pain, more sadness, more drama

Henry was sleeping against a giant boulder, he was so tired. It's a good thing he got out of the cafeteria as quick as he could or he would have to lie which he hated doing, he was good at it but he felt bad for lying. He also felt bad for leaving Calvin alone, he hoped Calvin was doing okay. 

Henry was still asleep when he heard something in the bushes, he woke up and searched around the clearing he was in. He then spotted something coming out of the bushes and upon instinct, he kicked the intruder in the stomach. The intruder made an "ACK!" sound as he fell to the ground, the voice seems familiar to Henry. He then winced in guilt as he saw the intruder get up, it was Calvin clutching his stomach in pain. 

"Oh! I'm sorry Calvin!" apologized Henry. "I thought you were an intruder!"

"N-No...p-p-problem." replied Calvin, groaning in pain. "A-At least it w-w-wa-wasn't in the crotch."

Henry giggled despite knowing kicking in the crotch hurts more than the stomach, Calvin was well enough to sit up but he still didn't feel well enough to stand up. Henry then looked away from him while rubbing his arm nervously, "I'm sorry for leaving you behind the cafeteria this morning." apologized Henry.  

"It's fine." replied Calvin, waving his hand like it was no big deal. "I knew you were getting anxious."

"I didn't want them to know about our relationship...especially Rupert..." 

"I know."

"It still hurts not to have him."

"I know."

"I mean I was a former thief, what makes me think I have a chance with him?"

Calvin saw Henry was trembling slightly, "I can't compete with Dave, he already won Rupert's affections."

Calvin wanted to comfort him but he needed help getting up, he held up a hand as Henry saw him needing help. Henry went over to him and took his hand to help him up, but Henry is not as strong as Charles or Rupert. And Calvin was more...heavy than Henry, Henry was struggling getting him up. 

"C'mon, Henry." said Calvin, irritably. 

"It's not my fault." replied Henry. "You're heavy."

"Are you calling me fat?"

"No...I'm just not strong as you."

"Yeah...I can tell...I mean look at you."

"Are you saying I'm skinny?"

"No...I mean...look at your body type, you have curves."


Henry was still struggling to get Calvin up, Calvin decided to stand up a bit. He was using his remaining hand to lift himself up, luckily no one else was seeing their situation or else it would be pretty embarrassing. Then Henry tripped on a rock cause he wasn't looking, they both fell on the ground with an oof. Their position...was...kinda...a little embarrassing to say at least, Henry was on top of Calvin and Calvin was on the bottom. They both blushed red and they were hoping no one was coming or watching them but alas, life's not fair isn't?

Rupert was walking to find Henry, he was wondering why he went out of the cafeteria in a rush. He knows something's up with Henry and he's going to find out why, he sighed as he kept walking. He the heard a noise coming from his right, he was confused so he went towards the source of the sound. He then heard voices that sounded familiar to him, he was even more curious. He then spotted Calvin and Henry in a comprising position, he then felt his eye twitched.

"There yer are, Henry." said Rupert, loudly and nonchalantly as possible. But on the inside, he was mad as hell.

Calvin and Henry both jumped and glanced at Rupert, who looked at them in a blank expression. Henry quickly got up and so did Calvin, they both brushed the dirt off their clothes sheepishly. Then they both stared at Rupert who stared back at them, it was awkward to say at least. The tension was so thick, you can it with a pocketknife. "" said Calvin, anxiously. "What are you doing out here?"

Rupert blinked for a moment, "Looking for Henry." replied Rupert, lowly. 

Henry glanced at Rupert in confusion, why was Rupert was looking for him? Henry rubbed his arm awkwardly as he felt Rupert's eyes on him, Calvin cleared his throat to clear the tension. 

"Nevermind." growled Rupert. "See you guys later."

Rupert walked off before either of them could say a word, Henry felt twang of sadness in his heart as he watched Rupert leave. Calvin put a comforting arm around him, he smiled at him. "C'mon, let's take a walk." said Calvin, softly.

"Ok." whispered Henry.

They both were silent as they walking, they didn't feel like talking. Henry then thought back to the way Rupert smiled at Dave, he didn't want to hate Dave but he did. He hated him for being everything he couldn't be to Rupert, for stealing the former officer away, for stealing his love from him. Out of all the people, why did he had to fall for Rupert? Why? Why did he have to suffer cause of someone he can't have? 

He paused, he closed his eyes.

Anger, hate, jealously, hurt, rage, and sorrow were taking over his body. He couldn't take much more of this negative feelings, he needed something. He needed...

He needed relief. 

Henry felt someone grabbed his hand, he looked at Calvin who was staring at him. He came up with the same conclusion as well, Calvin led him through a cluttered of trees and bushes. However, they didn't realized that they were already spotted by someone. June spotted them going into the bushes and followed them.

"G-ngh!...Fuck!" moaned Henry, as threw his head back in pleasure.

Calvin thrust deeper into Henry, they were trying to relieve the stress of everything. The stress of Henry not getting with his love, the stress of working in the military, the stress of taking down the Toppat Clan, and the stress of making sure nobody knew of their shindig.

"Henry...God...h-how do you stay so tight." moaned Calvin. "Even after I fucked you so many times."

"I-I-I don't know." groaned Henry, as he panted.

"God! Fuck! I'm about to-"

"Me-me too...give it to me!"

Calvin's face flush as he came hard, Henry rolled his eyes in the back of his head as he came hard too. He saw stars and his vision went black for few minutes, he put his fingers through Calvin's hair. They both were so busy in their own world that they didn't hear someone gasp, they both stared in admiration and they looked like they were in love. 

They weren't. 

But it wasn't like June July knew that.

June left them alone quietly as she snuck out of the trees and bushes. Her face was red as a tomato, she covered her face as she went back to the base. She was not gonna lie to herself but watching Calvin and Henry fucked turned on a little. But on the other hand, she felt sad cause she was interested in Calvin.

She sighed sadly as she was finally at the base.

A/N: I'm not gonna lie, I felt turned on and sad by writing this. 

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