Unexpected Couple (Calmin)

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A/N: I'm gonna bring a new Henry Stickmin ship... Henry Stickmin x Calvin Bukowski! Or Calmin... I don't know what I should call it. I don't what made me want to write these two together but if pairings like Sven x Charles and Sven x Rupert exist then so can this pairing.

Something was going on between Calvin and Henry, Charles was sure of it. He noticed Calvin and Henry spending more time together. Why was Henry spending time with Calvin? Charles wanted to ask Henry but every time he got the opportunity to ask, they will be something or someone will distract him.

Charles, Ellie, Rupert, Victoria, and June were in the cafeteria eating lunch when Konrad came over to them with an annoyed look. "Hey Guys, have you seen Calvin?" he asked annoyed. "I've been looking everywhere for him."

"Nope," replied Charles.

"Haven't seen him," added Rupert.

"Who does he usually hang out besides with you?" questioned June.

"I...don't know," answered Konrad truthfully. "We always hang out together."

"That's weird," said Victoria suspiciously. "I wonder where he could be."

Charles furrowed his brow while the others were talking about Calvin, he also noticed Henry was also missing. Henry was usually with him or Ellie or Rupert, and he usually never missed lunch. Henry was underweight even for a guy, and Charles was encouraging him to eat more. And he promised Charles that he always eat with him, so where is he?

"Oi, Charles," said Rupert. "Where's Henry? He's usually here with us."

Charles snapped out of his thoughts when Rupert asked him a question, he looked at Rupert who was waiting for an answer. 

"I don't know," replied Charles. "He never misses lunch."

Just then, Calvin and Henry rushed inside the cafeteria. They both looked...disheveled for some reason, their faces were red, their clothes looked a little wrinkled, and they seemed embarrassed.

Calvin saw the group and he headed over to them. Henry followed suit and he waved at everyone sheepishly, everyone was confused about why they were acting like that.

"Cal! Where were you!?" exclaimed Konrad angrily. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Heh. Sorry about that," answered Calvin sheepishly. "I was just...doing something with Henry."

"Like what?" asked Rupert suspiciously.

Everyone stared at Calvin while Henry was looking anywhere but at them. Charles was looking at Henry whose face was still red, he also noticed a red bruise on his neck. Is that a hickey?

"Hey, Henry," said Charles. "What is that on your neck?"

Everyone now stared at Henry, his eyes widened and he put his hood on to cover himself. Calvin was panicking on the inside, he must have given him a hickie while they were making out. Yes...he and Henry are involved.

How you may ask? Calvin doesn't know and neither does Henry. Calvin was just flirting with Henry while no one was looking, he was doing it playfully but Henry flirted with him back. And then, they decided to try one date and the rest was history.

They decided to keep their relationship a secret for a couple of reasons. One, they don't want to answer the how and why. Two, Calvin didn't want to hear he was dating a thief...well former thief. And three, they both just want to be left alone.

"Hey! Look at the time!" exclaimed Calvin anxiously. "We...uh...have...to... go, bye!"

Calvin grabbed Henry's hand and they both ran out of the cafeteria before anyone can stop them. Everyone was confused by their behavior, especially Charles.

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