Helpless Part 3: Final (Stickprice)

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Rupert wants to take down Dominic and he starts to fall in love with Henry more. Henry, on the other hand, is also getting attached to Rupert but is afraid of getting into a relationship again after Dominic's abuse.

After Henry was done talking with the chief, they all were trying to come up with a plan. Henry told them Dominic hadn't managed to find him at Rupert's place, he just called him and threaten to kill him. 

Miss Pippa decided that Henry needs protection, she went out to the door and called out at Johnny. Rupert was about to protest but stopped at Miss Pippa's glare, Henry was feeling overwhelmed at the help and support he was getting. Once she brought Johnny in, she filled Johnny in on what just happened. Johnny was shocked at what Henry was going through, he never expected that.

Miss Pippa ordered Rupert and Johnny to watch over Henry which Rupert finally protest, he was still angry and upset about how Johnny slept with Henry. Johnny looked hurt when Rupert protested about him working with him, Henry was just feeling anxious about this whole thing. 

Back at Rupert's place, Rupert was fuming and pacing around the living room while Henry was sitting on his couch. He had a worried look on his face, he had never seen Rupert this worked up. Sure before he got together with Dominic, he was a thorn in the police's side, especially Rupert's side.  

Henry stood up and he stopped Rupert from pacing, Rupert glanced at Henry and sighed in defeat.

"What's wrong?" asked Henry as he signed in worry.

"Look Henry, I'm gonna be straightforward here," replied Rupert seriously. "Did by any chance, you slept with Johnny?"

Henry jumped at the question and he whistled a tune while not looking at Rupert, Rupert noticed that Henry was nervous. Henry, on the other hand, wanted to die inside. Why? Henry did sleep with Johnny before, just that one time. He didn't want to remember that time cause Henry was desperate to get laid.

"Yeah," answered Henry. He bowed his head down in shame.

"Why?" asked Rupert irritated. 

"I don't know! I was desperate!"

"To get laid?"

Henry sputtered and he sat down back on the couch he crossed his arms to pout, his face was red in anger and embarrassment. Rupert chuckled when he saw Henry's pout, Henry looked cute for some reason. Rupert was smiling at Henry but dropped it when that thought crossed his mind, did he just think Henry was cute? 

Shit! He did.

God, what's wrong with him? Is he falling in love with Henry? How and why? Rupert shook his head and went over to Henry to sit next to him, Henry glanced at him and he still looked mad. Rupert sighed and he turned on the TV, he wanted to ask how and why he slept with Johnny but he got the feeling Henry would just stay silent.

He put on a cop show that involved the cops solving sex crimes, Rupert and Henry watched the show but they were both distracted. Henry sighed sadly and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Once he made his coffee, he sat down at the table to sip it. 

Henry was feeling depressed as a headache formed, he's been scared ever since Dominic threaten him. Why did he date him in the first place? Let alone sleep with him? He thought Dominic was a good guy but he wasn't, he felt like a huge idiot.

He wanted to cry but didn't want to show vulnerability again, his mind started going dark. His mind started telling him he was useless, he fails at everything, nobody loves him, and he should do the world a favor and he should kill himself. He told his mind to shut up but his mind kept giving him reasons that he was worthless, he was busy self-loathing that he didn't hear Rupert also getting coffee and sitting down in front of him.

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