This Is A Mistake Part 5 (Stickprice)

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Henry has fallen ill on a mission to stop the Toppat Clan and Rupert is acting like an overprotective boyfriend. The gang tries to help Henry and do the mission but easier said than done. Rupert on the other hand is trying to keep his feelings for Henry in check but things get complicated when a third party enters the picture. 

Charles picked up Henry while everyone else came over to them. 

Charles led everyone to a more secluded area while still holding Henry, everyone was now in a secluded area with trees and bushes close together. Charles gave Henry to Ellie and he took off his jacket, he then looked at everyone who has worried looks on their faces. "Can someone lend me their bag so I can use it as a pillow for Henry?" Charles asked with a hint of demand in his voice. 

Everyone looked at each other then Calvin step up to Charles and gave him his backpack. Charles thanked him and put the backpack down. He folded his jacket into a makeshift pillow, he beckoned Ellie to come to him, Ellie did as she was told, and Charles gently grabbed Henry from Ellie. He gently put down Henry and lay Henry's head on the pillow. He touched Henry's forehead as he noticed his face was red, he felt Henry's forehead was hot.

"Damn it," Charles said to himself. He looked over to everyone with worried looks on their faces, especially Rupert, which confused Charles but didn't have time to dwell on it.

"We need to apply a cold compress on Henry, he's got a fever," Charles stated firmly. 

Everyone gasped as June got a rag and a canteen. She pours some cold water on the rag and gave it to Charles, Charles thanked her and put the cold compress on Henry. Victoria came over to them, "What happened?" she demanded gently with her arms crossed. 

"He was coughing and then suddenly he collapsed," Rupert responded angrily, confusing everyone. 

Victoria nodded as Ellie added, "I asked him if he was okay but he told me he was fine,"

Charles stood down at Henry's eye level, he saw Henry's breathing was heavy. Charles gently used his hand to ruffle Henry's hair, Rupert was watching him and his eye twitched. "Should we try to wake him up?" Konrad asked as he went over to Charles.

Charles glanced up at Konrad and before he can answer, Calvin stepped in with a big grin. "Hey, I can do CPR and try to wake him up that way," Calvin explained.

Konrad knew what he was trying to do and so was Charles, before Calvin can do CPR on Henry, he felt a hand over his mouth. "I don't think Henry would want your disgusting germs," Rupert said with a growl and threw Calvin behind him. 

Calvin landed on June who cried out in shock, she was on her back while Calvin was on her lap. June sat up and held Calvin who looked offended, "Really? Is that what he is worried about?" Calvin said incredulously, "He isn't worried that I might get sick?"

"Well, you're the one who wanted to touch Henry's mouth," June stated, annoyed. She pushed Calvin off of her and he landed on his face. Everyone around him started laughing, Victoria shushed everyone to keep them quiet.

Just then, everyone heard groaning and coughing. 

Everyone turn to Henry who was opening his eyes, everyone immediately went over to him. However, they couldn't crowd over him. They gave him his space, Henry sat up but Charles quickly lay him back down. 

"Easy there, buddy," Charles said gently, "You're ill?"

"I am?" Henry asked, using sign language because his throat was sore.

"Yeah, you were coughing earlier and you suddenly passed out," Ellie responded.

"Why didn't you tell any of us that you were feeling sick?" Rupert demanded bluntly as he crossed his arms in anger. Everyone blinked at Rupert in surprise, what's with the attitude?

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