A Proposal (Calvin x Henry)

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A/N: I know April's Fools have passed but I have to get this out of the way. And I need to write more Calvin x Henry. 

"You want me to do what with you?" Henry asked, he was confused by Calvin's question. 

"I need your help in pulling a prank for April's Fools' Day," Calvin responded nervously.



Henry noticed Calvin wasn't looking at him, Calvin was looking around. When Calvin came over to him asking him to help with a prank, he thought he was having a strange day. 

Calvin and his twin brother Konrad were notorious for pranking and pulling jokes on everyone including the General. April's Fools' Day is like the twins' Christmas. Everyone in the Government dreads the day the aforementioned holiday comes. The twins always plan what pranks they should do and who they should do them to. Sometimes they get away with the pranks, and sometimes they don't.

Henry crossed his arms as he narrowed his eyes at Calvin in suspicion, he tapped his combat boot as he kept staring at Calvin. Calvin started to sweat as he saw Henry's look, he felt awkward.

Henry kept staring at Calvin for a few seconds then he sighed, "What's the prank?"

Calvin gave him a wide grin and he leaned down to whisper in his ear. Henry listened to Calvin's prank while Calvin was explaining the plan, Henry kept listening until his face turned red. Henry pushed Calvin away, making Calvin stumbled back a bit. 

Calvin felt annoyed at Henry's action, "What the hell, Henry?"

"Really?!" Henry replied incredulously, "That's the prank?!"

Calvin stared at Henry in confusion, "Well, what did you expect?" he said.

Henry shook his head as he looked away and crossed his arms again. Calvin went up to him, put his hands on Henry's shoulders, and turned him around. Henry was now facing Calvin, however, his eyes were closed. 

"C'mon Henry, Konrad doesn't know about this and I need someone to do this prank," Calvin pleaded, he wanted Henry to help him with this prank.

"Why me? Why couldn't you ask someone else like Charles?" Henry still had his eyes closed. 

"Because if I ask Charles, he will reject it," Calvin responded immediately.

"Please, Henry," Calvin begged, "Will help you me with this prank?"

Henry opened his eyes to see Calvin using puppy-dog eyes at him, Henry blinked in confusion. "Dang it, why did he have to do the puppy-dog eyes at me?" he thought.

Henry tried to resist the eyes but he couldn't, he uncrossed his arms and sighed. He looked at Calvin who was waiting patiently, "Fine, I'll do it," he said, annoyed and using his actual voice.

Calvin smiled and he picked Henry up and spun him around in glee, Henry cried out in shock. Calvin put him down as he realized what he was doing, his face was red while Henry was staggering. "Uh... sorry Henry," he apologized to Henry.

Henry gained his composure and glanced at Calvin, "Okay, if I do this for you, what do I get out of this?" he asked.

Calvin blinked in confusion, he thought for a moment then he smiled. "You'll get immunity from pranks and you will get to keep this."

Calvin dug into his pocket to fetch something, searched for a few seconds, and took a small black box. Henry stared at the box, and he noticed something about the box that caught his eye. The box was velvet with gold rimming and in front of the box had a diamond that looked like a Tunisian diamond. Henry kept looking at the box when Calvin opened the box to reveal what was inside. Henry's gears stopped working when he saw what was inside the box.

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