Secret Date Part 2(Calmin and others)

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A/N: It's been a while hasn't it for this one shot. Also, I only ship Calvin with Henry or with Ellie. Why? I think the ships are cute and need more love.

Charles and the others followed Calvin and Henry to their date. They were wondering why Calvin and Henry were on a date, it was a surprise and a shock to them.

Charles was surprised because he always thought Calvin had a crush on him, and he noticed Calvin apparently didn't like Henry because he thought he was dating Charles. So why Calvin and Henry on a date? Charles was getting more confused as Calvin and Henry as they enter a restaurant. Charles and the others couldn't enter the restaurant all together so Charles, Rupert, Ellie, and Victoria will stay inside while Konrad and June will go in.

Konrad and June sneakily got into the restaurant and sat down at a table. They watched as Calvin order drinks for him and Henry. Once they got their drinks, they order food, and they were left alone. Konrad saw Calvin started to make small talk to Henry, Henry listen to him make small talk.

While Calvin and Henry were still talking, Konrad had a frown on his face, June noticed this. "What's wrong?" she asked in a whisper.

"This... doesn't seem right." Konrad replied.

June frown at him in confused, "Why are you so worried about them dating?" she questioned.

Konrad stared at her for a moment, "It's just... makes me uneasy." he explained. "Calvin is an asshole and Henry can be an asshole, but Henry is a bit more sensitive than him."

June listen to Konrad's explanation as she saw a waiter bring food to Calvin and Henry. "And what if Calvin is just playing with Henry's emotions?" Konrad asked firmly, snapping June to glanced at Konrad.

"What makes you say that?"

"Like I said, he's an asshole."

June nodded as she saw Charles and Rupert and the others are outside. Charles saw Calvin was telling Henry a joke and Henry laughed at it. "I don't know who I should feel sorry for?" Rupert asked as he crossed his arms. "Calvin or Henry?"

Charles glanced at Rupert who thought for a moment, "Nah, Henry's the one I feel more sorry more." 

Charles shook their head as he saw Calvin pay for the food and he and Henry started to leave. Charles quickly texted Konrad and June about them leaving, everyone saw Calvin and Henry heading to a different direction. Everyone, once again, followed them on their date. 

Meanwhile with Calvin and Henry, they were heading to a movie theater. While they were on their date, Henry got the feeling they were being followed. Calvin led Henry inside the theater, they stopped to see what movie they want to see. Henry looked around the theater, Calvin noticed this. "What's wrong, Hen?" he asked in concern.

"I get the feeling we're being watched." Henry replied as he looked around again.

Calvin looked around to see if there was anyone following them, but he didn't see anything out of the ordinary, just people looking to see a movie with their friends, family, spouses, etc. "Hmm." Calvin said with a frown, "I don't see anyone suspicious."

Henry wrapped his arms around his waist anxiously, "But why do I feel we're being followed?"

Calvin went up to him and lean close to him, Henry blushed like a school girl. "Is your paranoia acting up again?" Calvin asked curiously.

Henry puffed his cheeks as he looked away and crossed his arms, "It's hard to put away my paranoia when I used to be a criminal." he replied.

Calvin chuckled as he thought Henry looked adorable, he guide Henry to the ticket stand and bought the tickets. They also bought snacks for the movie, and went inside the theater. 

While they were trying to find their seats, Henry was wondering why Calvin chose the movie they're going to watch. "Cal? How come an animated movie is rated R?" he asked as they found their seats, they sat down as the previews started. Calvin glanced at Henry with a smile, "I don't know," he shrugged. "I saw trailers for it and I thought it looked interesting."

"Also, I wanted to see it with someone, and you're the only one who seemed interested as well." he continued, "Konrad is a wuss, Charles is not a fan of this stuff, Rupert is in a bad move when I tried to ask him, and June is too sensitive."

Henry nodded as the movie started.

Konrad and June secretly watch them as the movie played. Konrad immediately knew what movie they were watching as his face turn green, June's face was also green as she got up to leave the room, and Konrad followed suit. They went to the bathroom to vomit as the movie ended, Calvin and Henry exit the theater. They walked out of the theater, then they headed to the park. Charles, Rupert, Victoria, and Ellie followed them as Konrad and June were still in the bathroom.

"I never knew you could strangle someone with intestines." Henry commented as they sat down on a bench.

"Me neither." Calvin replied as he wrapped an arm around Henry's waist to pull him closer to him. Henry blushed as he lean against him, "It's pretty cool though." he continued. 

Henry nodded as he closed his eyes, loving the feel of Calvin's warmth. Calvin was looking around the park as he saw people having fun at the park, families with their kids, people with their pets, couples spending time together, etc. Calvin was still looking around when he spotted a familiar pair of red headphones among the crowd. He blinked for a moment then the red headphones was gone, he frowned as he brought Henry closer to him. After a couple of minutes of sitting down, Calvin spotted the same red headphones again.

He lean down, "Psst! I think you may be right about someone following us." he said to Henry in a whisper. Henry open his eyes to look up at Calvin, "Really?" he smirked. 

Calvin nodded as he pointed to a pile of bushes, Henry saw the same familiar red headphones in the bushes. "Is that Charles?" Henry asked, using his actual voice in a whisper. 

Calvin nodded as he got an idea. 

He glanced at Henry and smirked, Henry saw this look and was about to comment when he felt himself being tackle by Calvin. Then he felt Calvin kissed him, Henry blushed a darker red as he tried to get Calvin off from him, but he melted into the kiss. 

Charles was watching Calvin attacking Henry with kisses, he grumbled as he got out his sniper to aim it at Calvin. Rupert saw this and began to wrestle with him, "Look I know you're trying be the big brother," he said firmly, "But...let's not do something drastic, yet."

Charles nodded as Victoria and Ellie giggled at Henry who wrapped his arms around Calvin's neck. 

"No! Don't put your tongue in, Cal!" Henry exclaimed.

Charles, Rupert, Victoria, and Ellie looked at each other as they heard Henry moan. "Okay, if Calvin puts his hand down Henry's pants, then you can shoot him." Rupert said annoyed. 

Charles smiled as he aim his sniper at Calvin, he kept watching Calvin make out with Henry. He didn't like the idea Calvin using Henry, but he will give him the benefit of the doubt. After painfully long couple of minutes later, Calvin and Henry stopped making out. They stood up to exit out of the park, everyone was confused.

Where are they going now?

A/N: Btw, Calvin and Henry watched something that looks cute and innocent, but it's not. And it's not a movie.

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