Helicopter Fun (Stickvin)

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A/N: This is for @JazzyStarrLight and skittikyu cause they posted a NSFW Stickvin on both of their tumblr and it inspired me to write a oneshot where Charles and Henry fucked in the helicopter. And I also wrote Johnny fucking Henry, Calvin fucking Henry, Konrad fucking Henry, and Rupert fucking Henry. So I figured it's Charles' turn to fuck Henry. 

Charles and Henry were sitting in the helicopter, enjoying each other's company. They were cuddling, watching random stuff on their phones, and talking about random things. Henry love to cuddled up to Charles cause he was warm and soft. Charles love to cuddle with Henry cause he was shorter than Charles and Henry gets cold easily, even though it's actually hot outside. 

Speaking of hot, Charles was wearing his pilot jacket and he was sweating like a bull dog. He signal Henry to get off from him to take off his jacket, Henry got up as Charles took off his jacket. Charles was wearing a blank tank top underneath his jacket, showing off his muscles which made Henry red as a tomato. As much as Henry loves Charles' muscles, Henry was sometimes jealous of his muscles. Henry wasn't fit as Charles, he was skinny for a guy his age. He even weighs less than most guys, heck even Ellie could pick him up without breaking a sweat.

Henry was self-conscious about his weight, and his body. For a skinny guy, he had some curves which made him easier to disguise himself as a woman for a mission. However, Henry sometimes doesn't like his curves but Charles loves his curves. Charles sat down again while Henry sat next to him, Henry still looked at Charles' muscles in awe. He remembered their times when they were making love that Henry loves touching muscles doing foreplay, and then later comes the fun stuff.

Henry was blushing and getting horny from thinking that. He smirked as he got an idea, he checked the windows, and saw they were tinted. Charles sensed that Henry was staring at him, he glanced at him and saw Henry was red. "What?" Charles asked, as he chuckled.

"Oh...nothing." Henry replied, turning away from Charles.

"Are you sure?" 


"I don't believe it."


"You're face is red."


"Which only means one thing." Charles said, in a sultry voice as he leaned closer to Henry.

Henry squeaked when he felt Charles' hot breath on his neck and then he felt Charles bite his neck. Henry moaned as he wrapped his arms around Charles' neck, Charles gave him kisses and bitemarks on his neck. Charles was getting hard as he kept hearing Henry's moans, he loves doing this to Henry. Most people might assume that Henry was the one always instantiated these stuff but nope, it's always Charles. But that doesn't mean Henry dose it too, Henry closed his eyes while still feeling Charles all over his neck. 

Charles then puts a hand on Henry's crotch and Henry let out a high pitched squeak, he opened his eyes as his face became more red. Charles smirked as he felt Henry had gone hard, he then unbutton Henry's pants using only one hand. He pulled out Henry's cock out of his underwear, Henry shivered as he felt the cold air hit his expose cock. "Nice joystick, Hen." purred Charles. "May I play with it?~"

Henry didn't had time to reply as he felt Charles stroking his cock, he gasped in pleasure as he pulled his head back. He held on to Charles' neck tighter as he kept feeling Charles stroking his cock, he let out short, puffy breaths as he felt himself getting close. Charles saw some precum leaking out of Henry's cock, and he stopped stroking him. Henry whined from the loss of contact until he felt something wet around his cock, Henry squeaked again as he saw Charles starting to give him a blowjob.

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