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This chapter takes place after Chapter 17 "Love The Way You lie" the bad ending of my Stickvin "You will be loved". If you haven't read that yet I suggest you do it before reading this chapter.

It was a couple of days since Henry's death and everyone was at a loss. The funeral was in three days and everyone was attending, Galeforce was the one arranging the funeral plans along with Terrence Suave and Randy Radman. 

Charles, Ellie, Rupert, Dave, Calvin, Konrad, and Victoria were sitting on a bunch of crates just sitting on them silently. Galeforce came over to them with a somber look on his face, he told them about the funeral for a few minutes until he had to go. 

After the General left, there was silence once more. Ellie decided to break the silence by asking Victoria some questions, she answered them while Ellie listened. Rupert and Dave wanted to play 20 questions so the quartet did just that. Konrad wanted to join in but Calvin didn't, leaving him and Charles not playing. Charles didn't want to do anything fun right now.

Ellie asked Charles if he wanted to play but he declined, ever since Henry's death he had never been the same. He was watching everyone with a blank look on his face while they played, he also sensed someone was watching him. He glanced up to find Calvin staring at him with a guilty expression on his face, Charles in return gave him the most hostile glare he ever mustered.

Calvin quickly looked away from him in shame, Charles got up and ran off leaving everyone confused. Charles ran to his helicopter and closed the door, as soon he sat down in the pilot seat, he started sobbing. He felt so much like a failure, he failed Henry and himself. He let himself get manipulated by Calvin and hurt Henry in the process, he led Henry into the arms of a monster.

And the monster in return killed Henry, severing any chance of being with Henry. Charles stopped sobbing and wiped his tears, he was trembling in anger and sadness. Why did he let himself get fooled by Calvin? Why didn't he just wait to talk to Henry before jumping to conclusions? Gosh, he's such an idiot. 

He heard the door opening and he turned to see Calvin hop in with a sad look, Charles turned away in his anger. Calvin walked slowly to Charles but stopped a few feet away from him. 

"What do you want?" snarled Charles.

Calvin jumped from his question and rubbed his arm awkwardly. "I'm so-" 

"No. Don't you dare." interrupted Charles lowly. "You don't get to apologize now."


"No! I don't want to hear it!" 

"Can you just listen to me!?" 

"Why should I?" asked Charles slowly. "You lied to me and made me look like an idiot!"

"I liked you." defended Calvin softly. He knew that was a pathetic excuse but what else did had to say?

Charles kept trembling and he stood up to walk over to Calvin who stepped back from him, "Even when you knew I had feelings for Henry, you still went after me." he hissed acidly. 

"I thought he wasn't good enough for you."

"Bullshit! Now because of you and me, Henry was in the arms of an abuser; now he's dead! exclaimed Charles, voice cracking.

Calvin sighed heavily as Charles started sobbing again, Charles slumped down to the ground and buried his face in his hands. Calvin turned away from him and decided to leave him alone, before he left he turned back to Charles in sadness. "I'm so sorry for all this," Calvin whispered sadly.

Charles didn't reply as Calvin left him alone, Charles got up and left his helicopter to go back to his tent. He lay down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling, his tears were dried and his eyes were red and puffy. His head pounded from his excess crying, he exhaled sharply and closed his eyes to fall asleep.

The day before the funeral, Ellie and Rupert visited Charles to check up on him. Charles was still in bed with his back facing them, Ellie and Rupert looked at each other in worry. "Hey, Charles?" said Ellie tentatively.

Charles didn't move but he heard Ellie, judging by his slight movements. Rupert went up to Charles with a firm look on his face, "Oi, Charles." he said gently.

Charles still didn't look at Ellie and Rupert, they noticed that Charles was clutching Henry's jacket. Charles began shaking and then they heard a tiny cry coming from him, he fully started to cry making Ellie and Rupert feel sadness and pity for him. They decided to leave him alone and left his tent, Charles sat up when they left and groaned in sorrow.

He wanted to go to talk to the General but he's probably busy with Henry's dads about the funeral arrangements and he doesn't want to be near them right now. Ever since Henry's death, Terrence could barely look him in the eye while Randy was more talkative with him but still felt sadness over losing Henry.

He sighed heavily and went outside still clutching Henry's jacket, he got into his helicopter to go to the place he hadn't been to since Henry died. 

Once he got to the cliffside, he set his helicopter to land and got off. He walked slowly to the cliffside and he sat on the grass, he got out his pocket knife and played with it for a bit. He remembered he brought Henry to this place when he was still dating Calvin and he was beginning to date, Dominic.

It was so romantic at the time, so romantic that he went overboard and started to kiss Henry and leading into a make-out session. He was so embarrassed but he enjoyed the kiss and make-out session, he wished he had gotten together with Henry sooner. If he did, Henry would still be alive and not with that abuser who is dead now. 

He misses Henry so much...how can he be happy without him? Just like he told himself on the day Henry was killed, he wouldn't be.

On the day of the funeral, it was sad. Everyone was gathered outside the base, there were chairs for everyone to sit on, chrysanthemums were surrounding the chairs, and there was a black casket in the front with black roses and chrysanthemums on the top. It was morbidly beautiful but still depressing.

Charles sat up front next to Ellie, Rupert, Dave, Randy, and Terrence. The General was in front of the podium while Victoria was standing next to him, he started speaking about how everyone got here and gave his eulogy about Henry. One by one, everyone gave their eulogy but Charles. Charles sighed as he went up to the podium.

He started talking about his first meeting with Henry and how he started having feelings for him, he also began to tell everyone how he failed Henry. He decided to stop speaking before he started sobbing again. Before anyone can stop him, he ran off back to his tent. 

He couldn't take it anymore, he sobbed hysterically when he was inside his tent. He screwed up badly and Henry's gone, he'll never see him again.

He will never be happy...no matter what.

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