Valentine's Day (Stickvin)

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A/N: It's been 84 years since I wrote Stickvin. I wanted to do some Valentine's Day one-shots since it's coming up.

Henry was cleaning his hoodie when he heard the front door, he smiled when he heard Charles whistling. Charles put up his coat and went to the kitchen where Henry was at.

Henry blushed when Charles kissed him on the cheek, Henry smiled at him as Charles sat down at the kitchen table. "Hey, Chaz," Henry said happily as he dried his hoodie.

"Hey, Hen," Charles replied.

"Did you have fun hanging out with Rupert?" Henry asked.

"Sure did," Charles responded happily.

Henry finished cleaning his hoodie as Charles stood up to check the calendar,  he saw checked the dates to see if there were any important events. His eyes widen when he saw a circle drawn around the date 14th and he saw what month they are in. February 14th.  Oh no. There were a couple of days left till Valentine's Day and he completely forgot about it till now. What's he going to do? Charles glanced at Henry who was washing dishes, he was panicking. 

"Oh shit! What am I going to do!?" he thought as he heard Henry humming, "God, I am such an idiot!"

Later that night, Henry and Charles were watching one of those cliche love story movies. Henry was munching on popcorn while Charles was cuddling him, however, Charles wasn't paying attention to the movie. He was still thinking about what to give to Henry for Valentine's Day. He could give Henry chocolates, flowers, or a stuffed animal. He was thinking hard when he heard a tiny snore, he looked down to see Henry has fallen asleep. He turns off the movie and he picked up Henry bridle style. He headed toward their bedroom and put Henry to bed. He got ready for bed and he went to sleep.

The next day, Charles and Henry were hanging out with Ellie and Rupert. The gang was hanging out in the town, Ellie and Rupert were arguing about something while Charles and Henry were behind them, giggling at them. They walked past a jewelry store and Charles took a peek at the window and so did Henry, albeit for different reasons. Henry was staring at the jewelry in awe and his eyes said "Gimme!" Charles was staring at a piece of necklace that would be perfect for Henry.

The necklace has a silver chain with a heart-shaped pendant, and the heart-shaped pendant has a sapphire jewel in the pendant. Charles smiled at the necklace, the necklace would be a perfect gift for Henry for Valentine's Day.  He made a mental note to buy it later when he was alone as he pulled Henry away from the jewelry store, they catch up to Ellie and Rupert. 

Charles was humming happily as he made pancakes for Henry, today is Valentine's Day, and he is making breakfast in bed for Henry. Henry was still asleep when Charles was done making the pancakes, Charles put the pancakes on a tray and went to the bedroom. Henry shifted when he smelled something delicious, he open his eyes as Charles came over to him with a smile on his face. 

"Good morning, Hen," Charles said happily as he set down the tray on Henry who sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Happy Valentine's Day."

Henry chuckled as he looked down at the tray, he saw blueberry pancakes topped with syrup, he saw a vase with a red rose, and he saw a black medium-sized box. He blinked in confusion as Charles sat down next to him,  "Well, eat up, Hen," Charles said, beaming.

Henry ate the pancakes as Charles grabbed the box and put it on his lap. Henry finished eating the pancakes and he glanced at Charles who was gyrating like a kid who ate too many sweets. "Okay, Charles," Henry said with a smile, "What is it? What got you so excited?"

"Close your eyes," Charles responded with a cheeky grin, "And you'll see."

Henry shook his head as he laughed then he closed his eyes, Charles open the box and took out the same necklace he saw at the jewelry store. He checked to see if Henry's eyes were still closed and they were, Charles then put the necklace around Henry's neck. Henry felt Charles putting something around his neck, he wanted to open his eyes but can't.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," Charles said excitedly.

Henry open his eyes and looked down, he gasped as he stared at the beautiful piece of jewelry around his neck. The sapphire pendant gleamed as Henry looked up at Charles who was red as a tomato, "Do you like it?" Charles asked tentatively.

Without warning, Henry hugged Charles tightly. 

"I love it," Henry responded happily, "Thank you, Charles."

Charles chuckled, "You're welcome, Hen,"

They hugged for a little bit then they kissed, and after they kissed, they rubbed their noses in an Eskimo kiss. 

"I love you, Henry."

"And I love you too, Charles."

Henry then gave Charles his Valentine's Day gift, it was a cookbook filled with pancake recipes. Charles thanked Henry and they spend the rest of the day enjoying each other's company. 

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