This Is A Mistake (Part 2) Stickprice

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A/N: I decided to do the second part of this one-shot. 

It's been weeks since Rupert slept with Henry by accident, Rupert has been avoiding Henry and vice-versa. Charles and Ellie were still mad at him for hurting Henry's feelings even though Rupert has told them multiple times Henry doesn't have feelings, but they wouldn't listen. Henry was a recluse after his night with Rupert, he still hangs out with Charles and Ellie, but now he's just...reclusive. 

Rupert was watching Henry eat a cupcake while he was with Charles and Ellie. Rupert noticed Henry was happy eating the cupcake, which was cute... Rupert shook his head as he crossed his arms, why did he think Henry was cute!? He hates Henry. Everyone knows that. Rupert has hated him since the day he first met him when he was still a police officer and Henry was still a criminal.

Henry got Dave fired, he caused a lot of trouble for his fellow police officers and was the bane of Rupert's existence. Rupert saw Henry finish his cupcake as the General called everyone to the waiting room where they held meetings and briefings before a mission.  Everyone started to head to the waiting room except Rupert, he always prefers to be the last one in the meeting room.  As soon as he got into the waiting room, he raised an eyebrow as he saw Charles, Calvin, and Konrad doing something stupid because they are idiots.

They were holding a holding-your-breath contest, and Rupert thought it was stupid. 

Charles was losing, but being the good friend Henry is, Henry decided to help him out. He brought a large straw and put one end of the straw into Charles's mouth and started blowing air into the other end. Calvin stopped holding his breath and went over to them while Konrad was still holding his breath. Calvin went behind Henry as he kept blowing air into Charles, "Care to give me some air?" Calvin asked smoothly, "No straw needed."

Henry's face became red as he stopped blowing air, he glanced at Calvin who was smirking at him. "Calvin!" he responded angrily as he slapped Calvin in the face.

Everyone laughed as Rupert felt his eye twitch upon hearing Calvin flirt with Henry, he was about to snap at him, but the General came into the room and ordered everyone to take a seat. The meeting started and everyone listen to what the General was saying. However, not everyone was listening to the General. Rupert's mind was somewhere else, he was thinking about his night with Henry. His head was hurting just thinking about it. 

He remembered he and Henry fighting as they were drunk. Then, he remembered punches were thrown, and... the rest was blurry for him. He doesn't remember who kissed first, but he remembers tongues battling for dominance, teeth clacking together, and moans flittering in the air as clothes were thrown. Rupert's face became red as he thought about him fucking Henry hard, moans and groans in the air, nails scratching his back, and giving each other love bites. Rupert started to feel warm and hot, he also felt something tightly in his pants. 

He glanced down to see he was hard as a rock, he curse to himself. Great.  What's he going to do? He was not going to be able to concentrate with a hard cock, he looked around the room to see if anyone was watching him. Nobody was watching him except for Henry, however, Henry's expression was apathetic. After a few minutes what felt like hours for Rupert, the General dismissed them. Rupert quickly left the room in hurry, making everyone confused sans Henry. 

Henry watched as Rupert left like he was late for something important, he wonder why because he notice Rupert's face was red like a tomato. Henry shook his head as he follow Charles and Ellie out of the meeting room. "Did ya hear Calvin flirting with Henry?" Ellie asked as she giggled, "His face was priceless when Henry rejected him." 

"I did even though I was too busy getting air from Henry." Charles replied, "Why did he do that? Henry's not interested in him in the slightest."

Henry was quiet as they talked about Calvin flirting with him, he was still thinking about Rupert. He was still hurt by Rupert's rejection from their one-night stand but at the same time, he feels like he deserved it.  After all, he cause everyone pain when he was still a criminal, especially Rupert. 

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